A new cell machine mod written in rust.
Please check the Licence if you want to use something in this repository.
Source Code by thesharpcell(sharpedmimishee)
- Licence: MIT License, check MIT-LICENSE
Original Single Cell Generator Texture by the single cell generator
Button Texture by the single cell generator
Background(void) Texture by the single cell generator
Doughnut Texture by thesharpcell(sharpedmimishee)
Input Text Texture by thesharpcell(sharpedmimishee)
Pen Texture by thesharpcell(sharpedmimishee)
A new theme Audio by thesharpcell(sharpedmimishee)
A new theme Audio too slow by thesharpcell(sharpedmimishee)
A new theme Audio with koto by thesharpcell(sharpedmimishee)
A decline era Audio by thesharpcell(sharpedmimishee)
Untitled Audio by the flipper cell
- Terms: copyright free, (can be used commercial use. guarantee nothing. also, if you would like to list them in credits, please list them.)