This docker contains ROS1 package of the hesai lidar. Use ROS1-ROS2 bridge docker to bridge lidar messages in ROS1 to ROS2 network.
Step -1: Change IP address using
sudo ifconfig [interface_name] [new_ip_address] netmask [netmask] up
sudo ifconfig [interface_name] [new_ip_address]
Step 0: Inspect Lidar WebPage
make sure that ip address of the lidar and the computer are in the same network iPv4 range
and confirm if receiving address is correct by using
Step 1: Assuming that the image is built using the make file, Create a docker container using the make file in the repo home directoty
make up
Step 2: Run the launch file specific to your robot configuration, for ipb-alfredo
make launch_hesai_lidar_alfredo
# This launch file is part of the cofig folder, this contains lidar iPv4 cofiguration - check this if you receive no messages
Step 3: You can now receive ROS1 topics in the host pc and the docker container.
# To view Lidar data in RViz in the host machine, run the following before launching a GUI
xhost +