Utility classes that use ASM for generating metaclasses as if it were standard java reflection, but without the performance overhead.
- universal (deep) compare tool
- compares [apple] to [orange] recursively and shows the diff
- compiles to bytecode version jdk11
- but also handles records, if you run jdk16+
- Can optionally do 'structural comparison' (as opposed to nominal like in the respective types of polymorphism). Let's say you have class Apple with property color and a class Orange, also with property color.
method with which you can compare the values disregarding the type that contains them.
- turn any bean/record into a Map<String, Object>
Now working on capabilities that mimick java.lang.reflect
- not going to create something like setAccessible(true), since that's likely impossible without jdk support, and probably not wanted either
- I do plan to substitute java.lang.reflect.Array, because of it's VERY poor performance
- a read model for methods, fields etc
- invocation capabilities
import com.github.shautvast.reflective.MetaClass;
import com.github.shautvast.reflective.Reflective;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Dummy dummy = new Dummy();
MetaClass metaDummy = Reflective.getMetaClass(dummy.getClass());
.ifPresent(m -> m.invoke(dummy, "bar"));
System.out.println(dummy.getName()); // prints "bar"
public static class Dummy {
private String name;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;