a simple library to draw graph in android
Simply add graphDraw to your layout file
android:paddingTop="8dp" />
If you want to get clicks on nodes set clickable
and focusable
to true
the code above does nothing but add a empty view in your activity. to show graph you must create it and set it to the GraphView.
in order to set a graph to your view use setGraph
To create a graph you can use classic int[][]
to create graph
int[][] myGraph = new int[][] {
Graph g = new Graph();
Also you can use Builder
class inside Graph
but it's only for small data and it's not recommended to use for big graphs.
Graph g = new Graph.Builder(nodeCount)
.setEdge(1,2) // set edge between first node and second node.
.setEdge(2,4) // set edge between second node and third node.
.setNodePosition(0,10,10) // set postion (10,10) to node in position 0 ( actualy with id=0)
.setNodeLabel("node1",0) // set label 'node1' to node with id=0
Also you can create a list of nodes and edgs and set them to your graph
ArrayList<Node> nodes = createNodes();
ArrayList<Edge> edges = createEdges();
Graph g = new Graph();
here is the list of classes and their methods in this library.
Node is the class to represent a node of a graph
static int DEFAULT_COLOR
default color of the node.
int color
the color of the node when it displayed.
int id
identifier for the node, used when for searching among nodes. its better to be the index of node in the list for better accessing.
String label
the label of the node. it is displayed when user clickes on the node.
boolean hasFocus
this variable is not accessable by you and it sets to true
when user clickes on the node.
float relativePositionX
is the relative position x of the node. this variable can be any number between 0 and 100. if you set it to any number created than 100 the value wont be changed but when drawing node this variable will be considered as 100.
float relativePositionY
is the relative position y of the node. this variable can be any number between 0 and 100. if you set it to any number created than 100 the value wont be changed but when drawing node this variable will be considered as 100.
createNode(int id);
creates a node with given id. relativePositionX
and relativePositionY
will be 0
createNodeWithColor(int id, int color);
creates a node with given id
and color
. relativePositionX
and relativePositionY
will be 0
createNodeWithLabel(int id, int color, String label);
creates a node with given id
and color
and label
. relativePositionX
and relativePositionY
will be 0
createNode(int id, int posX, int posY);
creates a node with given id
and posX
and posY
createNodeWithColor(int id, int posX, int posY, int color);
creates a node with given id
and posX
and posY
and color
createNodeWithLabel(int id, int posX, int posY, int color, String label);
creates a node with given id
and posX
and posY
and color
and label
Edge is the class to represent an edge of the graph
static int DEFAULT_COLOR
= Color.BLACK
is Default color of the edge when it displayed.
= 1
is default weight of the edge.
int weight
is weight of the edge
int color
is color of the edge when displayed.
int startNodeId
is id of the node that this edge starts with.
int endNodeId
is id of the node that this edge ends with.
boolean isDirected
shows if this node is directed or not. this varible is used by GraphView
when drawing the graph and can be changed by Graph
class. and cannot be changed directly.
createEdge(int startNodeId, int endNodeId);
creates an edge with given startNodeId
and endNodeId
createEdgeWidthWeight(int startNodeId, int endNodeId, int weight);
creates an edge with given startNodeId
and endNodeId
and weight
createEdgeWithColor(int startNodeId, int endNodeId, int color);
creates an edge with given startNodeId
and endNodeId
and color
Graph is the class to represent a graph
ArrayList<Node> nodes
is the list of nodes in graph
ArrayList<Edge> edges
is the list of edges in graph
Edge[][] graph
is the matrix of edges. if in position (i , j)
in this matrix a edge exists then there is a edge between i
'th node and j
'th node. else (graph[i][j]
is null) then there is no Edge between i'
th and j
'th nodes.
View view
is the GraphView that this graph is assinged. the Graph class itself not using this variable but any other class that extends from Graph can use this view to organize the nodes positions.
setEdges(ArrayList<Edge> edges);
assigns given edges
to variable edges
exist in object.
setNodes(ArrayList<Node> nodes);
assigns given nodes
to vaiable nodes
exist in object.
setGraph(Node[][] graph);
assigns give graph
to variable graph
exist in object and recreates list of nodes and list of edges.
addNode(Node node);
add a new node to nodes list.
removeNode(Node node);
remve node from nodes list.
addEdge(Edge edge);
add a new edge to edges list.
addEdge(Node startNode,Node endNode);
creates a new Edge and adds that edge to edges list. also returns created edge to you.
removeEdge(Edge Edge);
removes an edge from edges list.
fineNode(int nodeId);
searchs the nodes list and finds the node with given nodeId
setFocusForNode(int nodeId);
searchs for node with id=nodeId
and sets focus the node and removes focus from all other nodes.
extends from Graph
and is a example of how you can create your custom graphs.
float levelPadding
is the space between levels of the binary tree.
create(int nodeCount);
creates a graph with nodeCount
nodes and sets the position of the nodes based on screen width.
is the main class of this library that draws graph on screen.
float maxRelativeSizeX = 100f;
is the max relative size x and uses to convert nodes postions from relative number to exact number based on view size. this variable cannot be changed.
float maxRelativeSizeY = 100f;
is the max relative size y and uses to convert nodes postions from relative number to exact number based on view size. this variable cannot be changed.
setGraph(Graph g);
sets the tartget graph to be displayed and invalidate
s the view.
setOnNodeClickListener(OnNodeClickListener listener);
sets a listener and notifys you when a node clicks. it will give you the clicked node and the GraphView
that node clicked in it.