v0.3.0 - 2024-05-14
lexicmap index
Better seed coverage by filling sketching deserts .
Use longer (1000bp N's, previous: k-1) intervals between contigs .
Fix a concurrency bug between genome data writing and k-mer-value data collecting.
Change the format of k-mer-value index file, and fix the computation of index partitions.
Optionally save seed positions which can be outputted by lexicmap utils seed-pos
lexicmap search
Improved seed-chaining algorithm .
Better support of long queries .
Add a new flag -w/--load-whole-seeds
for loading the whole seed data into memory for faster search .
Parallelize alignment in each query , so it's faster for a single query.
Optional outputing matched query and subject sequences .
2-5X searching speed with a faster masking method.
Change output format.
Add output of query start and end positions.
Fix a target sequence extracting bug.
Keep indexes of genome data in memory.
lexicmap utils kmers
Fix a little bug, wrong number of k-mers for the second k-mer in each k-mer pair.
New commands:
lexicmap utils gen-masks
for generating masks from the top N largest genomes.
lexicmap utils seed-pos
for extracting seed positions via reference names.
lexicmap utils reindex-seeds
for recreating indexes of k-mer-value (seeds) data.
lexicmap utils genomes
for list genomes IDs in the index.
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