K8s Docker Registry with Redis for image caching
- Kubernetes cluster
- Helm installed (https://helm.sh/docs/intro/install/)
- Nginx ingress controller enabled
- Docker installed
- Install cert-manager:
kubectl apply --validate=false -f https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.0.2/cert-manager.yaml
- Install this docker-registry solution with Helm:
helm install docker-registry ./docker-registry
or by changing default config:
export REGISTRY_PASSWORD=admin1234
helm install docker-registry ./docker-registry \
--set registry.dns=test.yourcompany.com \
--set [email protected] \
--set registry.username=$REGISTRY_USERNAME \
--set registry.password=$REGISTRY_PASSWORD \
--set registry.htpasswd=$(docker run --entrypoint htpasswd --rm httpd -Bbn $REGISTRY_USERNAME $REGISTRY_PASSWORD | base64) \
--set registry.storage=5Gi
Note: admin
/ admin1234
credentials should be changed for Production usage
kubectl port-forward service/docker-registry 5000 -n docker-registry
curl -u admin:admin1234 localhost.com:5000/v2/_catalog
- A domain record pointing to the K8s cluster is needed (e.g: registry.yourcompany.com)
will automatically create a TLS certificate using Issuer and Certificate resources using Let's Encrypt
curl -u user:password https://registry.yourcompany.com/v2/_catalog
docker login https://registry.yourcompany.com -u admin -p admin1234
docker pull busybox:latest
docker tag busybox:latest registry.yourcompany.com/busybox:latest
docker push registry.yourcompany.com/busybox:latest
helm uninstall docker-registry
- Different docker image repositories need to be pruned based on different conditions (latest X images, images starting with PR, keep only semantic releases, etc) and needs to be automated.
- Docker Registry Pruner image (https://github.com/tumblr/docker-registry-pruner) takes care of this by passing desired config file and docker-registry URL (See https://github.com/tumblr/docker-registry-pruner/blob/master/config/examples/example.yaml)
- A Kubernetes CronJob will do the work by calling this image every 12 hours and prune all images matching desired configuration
- docker-registry image deletion needs to be enabled. This is already done by default in this solution.
- If using AWS S3 for storage it's easier to do this by just using a clean up Lyfecicle Rule matching a particular object.
- Added cert-manager for TLS support so it can be used in Production.
- For the garbage collect cron job I've set a crontab that performs
internally in registry container rather than using a Kubernetes CronJob. - AWS S3 is a better solution for storage as it's cheaper than Persistent Volumes.
- Using Terraform and/or Ansible could be a potential next step for this soultion, in terms of automation.
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
Gerardo Prieto - @sherarr
Project Link: https://github.com/sherar/k8s-docker-registry-redis