Test enviroment:
go version go1.17.2 darwin/amd64
VsphereVcenter Version: 7.0.3 ,Build: 19234570
Simple go client for using vcenter rest api.
Sample user/pass json file
cat ~/.vmwarepass.json
"username":"[email protected]",
First clone the repo and run build
cd into /path/to/repo
go build
#Usage -help :
./vcenterapi -h //display help
2022/03/01 14:05:36 Connection successful vsph.virtualdc.com:443
Usage of ./vcenterapi:
Lists available virtual machines
start vm700 vm701 #starts vms with vmid vm700 vm701
stop vm10 vm31 #stops vms with vmid vm10 vm31
Output order - vmid , vmName,PoweredState , Memory(MB) , Num of cpu
./vcenterapi -list | grep ""
./vcenterapi -start vm-24949 vm-51499 vm-51500 vm-51501 vm-51502 vm-51503 vm-5646 vm-69521
2022/03/01 20:42:36 Connection was successful :vsph.virtualdc.com:443
2022/03/01 20:42:36 [vm-24949 vm-51499 vm-51500 vm-51501 vm-51502 vm-51503 vm-5646 vm-69521]
2022/03/01 20:42:39 &{0x1120700 {0xc000114ab0} 0x11d0ee0} 204
2022/03/01 20:42:39 Machine/s started successfully.
2022/03/01 20:42:39 &{0x1120700 {0xc000114ab0} 0x11d0ee0} 204
2022/03/01 20:42:39 Machine/s started successfully.
2022/03/01 20:42:39 &{0x1120700 {0xc000240f20} 0x11d0ee0} 400
2022/03/01 20:42:39 Problem starting vm-5646, already in poweredOn state.
2022/03/01 20:42:40 &{0x1120700 {0xc000114ab0} 0x11d0ee0} 204
2022/03/01 20:42:40 Machine/s started successfully.
2022/03/01 20:42:40 &{0x1120700 {0xc000114ab0} 0x11d0ee0} 204
2022/03/01 20:42:40 Machine/s started successfully.
2022/03/01 20:42:40 &{0x1120700 {0xc000114ab0} 0x11d0ee0} 204
2022/03/01 20:42:40 Machine/s started successfully.
2022/03/01 20:42:40 &{0x1120700 {0xc000114ab0} 0x11d0ee0} 204
2022/03/01 20:42:40 Machine/s started successfully.
2022/03/01 20:42:40 &{0x1120700 {0xc000114ab0} 0x11d0ee0} 204
2022/03/01 20:42:40 Machine/s started successfully.
./vcenterapi -stop vm-51502 vm-5646 vm-69521
2022/03/01 01:34:45 [vm-51502 vm-5646 vm-69521]
2022/03/01 01:34:47 &{0x1120700 {0xc000100ab0} 0x11d0e00} 204
2022/03/01 01:34:47 &{0x1120700 {0xc000100ab0} 0x11d0e00} 204
2022/03/01 01:34:47 Machine/s stopped successfully.
2022/03/01 01:34:47 Machine/s stopped successfully.
2022/03/01 01:34:47 &{0x1120700 {0xc000100ab0} 0x11d0e00} 204
2022/03/01 01:34:47 Machine/s stopped successfully.
if machines are already powered off the o/p is likely to be eg.:
2022/03/01 01:36:46 &{0x1120700 {0xc0001f6c60} 0x11d0e00} 400
2022/03/01 01:36:46 Problem stopping vm-5646, already in off state.
* ESXi is a product which provides virtualization.
* Vsphere is the name givne to the bundle of all features in the new version (ESXi, vcenter and its features so on).So ESXi is one of the product in vsphere.