Consuela is a tool that purges your list of all Unsubscribes, Bounces, Invalids, Blocks, and Spam Reports using the SendGrid web API.
I am assuming you have a working verion of GO installed on your machine. Otherwise check out:
This tool was designed to be modular and pluged into other processes. However if you intend to use it as a standalone script you can do so by changing the "package consuela" to "package main" on line 1 of consulea.go
git clone [email protected]:shiddy/SendGrid-Consuela.git
cd SendGrid-Consuela
You will also need to change the hardcoded SendGrid username and password on lines 135 and 156 to your SendGrid API credentials
You then can run go run consuela.go
I've included an Example .csv included in base directory.
You can add emails with the following API call
There is also a standard testing _test.go file included as well. This pulls from the "testingResources" directory for example emails. you can run it with
go test
however if you changed yoru class from consuela to main this will not work
SendGird has implemented this tool at
You can do all the fun things there with a pretty UI.