How nice would it be to have a Kickstarter campaign in Blockchain where the contributors have the full control over whether or not to agree to the payment to the campaign creator.
It's here now.
- Create a New Campaign by Manager
- Add new requests for getting contributions in ether
- Set a minimum starting amount for the contributions
- Contributors can see the campaigns and requests by the managers
- Contributors can contribute in ethers to the campaigner
- Contributors can Approve the ether/money to be sent to the campaigner after the general consensus of more than 50%
- Manager/Campaigner can finalize the request and collect contributions if he gets the amount which is required && 50% of the campaigners agree
$ git clone
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
This thing will be on fire 🔥 at
More updates and projects on Blockchain coming soon. 🍺🙌