- This is the Repository for Data Science Salary Prediction of Glassdoor's Data Science Job
- First we scrapped Data Science Job from Glassdoor.
- Then We cleaned the data and Did Exploratory Data Analysis and Feature Engineering from different perspectives to know in-detail about the python, excel, aws, and spark jobs.
- For our model building we used are Linear, Lasso, and Random Forest Regressors using GridsearchCV.
- Python version 3.8
- Jupyter Notebook
- We used pandas, numpy, sklearn, matplotlib, seaborn, flask, json, pickle packages.
- Glassdoor Scrapping Article https://towardsdatascience.com/selenium-tutorial-scraping-glassdoor-com-in-10-minutes-3d0915c6d905
- Flask Productionization Article https://towardsdatascience.com/productionize-a-machine-learning-model-with-flask-and-heroku-8201260503d2
- We analyzed and cleaned this dataset so it can be usable for our model.
- And in EDA part, we simplified our data and analyzed different value counts through graphs also through pivot table
- We transformed our variables into dummy variables
- We used different Models to evaluate
- The Random Forest model performed better than the other approaches on the test set.
Model Used | MAE | Score |
Random Forest | 11.36 | 95.88% |
Linear Regression | 18.93 | 71.65% |
Lasso Regression | 19.83 | 64.58% |
- Here we build Flask API that was hosted on local server with above given tutorial
- This API will take list of values from job and predict the salary.
- To send request to the flask application: Run app.py, after installing all the required dependencies. In another terminal, run request.py, to get the results.