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Sunbird Data Pipeline (branch: release-3.6.0)

The purpose of data-pipeline is to process the Telemetry (+ some other) data, and store it for use by anyone who requires it, in a scalable manner.

Note: this document assumes default configuration of flink jobs, actual configuration for each of the flink jobs is present here

Note: To troubleshoot your data-pipeline setup see doc here


Batch events are sent to Kafka Topic env.telemetry.ingest by the Telemetry API. From there a series of Flink jobs transform this stream, first by de-duplicating and extracting individual events, generating AUDIT meta events, routing different event types to different Kafka topics, de-normalizing data present in the stream, validating the data stream for Druid ingestion, and sending this processed stream to env.druid.* Kafka topics. From there Druid ingests the data using its Kafka-Ingestion service into raw and rollup clusters. The data stored in Druid is then available to be viewed/visualized/analyzed using Superset. Each of the Kafka topics is backed up to Azure Blob Storage using a Secor Process.


Sunbird Data Pipeline majorly consists of following Components

Telemetry API - Node.js

REST API implemented in Node.js, and used to send individual/batch events to Kafka Ingestion Topic. More details regarding this can be found here

Apache Kafka - Transport

Kafka is utilized to move data among different data-pipeline services, following table shows the various Kafka topics and their purpose

Kafka Topics

Kafka Topic (env.) Topic Content Topic Consumers Topic Producers
telemetry.ingest Batch-Events telemetry-extractor Telemetry API
telemetry.extractor.duplicate Duplicate Batch-Events telemetry-extractor
telemetry.extractor.failed Failed Batch-Events telemetry-extractor
telemetry.raw Unique Events pipeline-preprocessor telemetry-extractor
telemetry.assess.raw ASSES/RESPONSE Events telemetry-extractor
telemetry.error ERROR Events pipeline-preprocessor
telemetry.audit AUDIT Events user-cache-updater pipeline-preprocessor
telemetry.duplicate Duplicate Events pipeline-preprocessor,
telemetry.unique Unique Events de-normalization pipeline-preprocessor
telemetry.unique.secondary Secondary Unique Events pipeline-preprocessor
telemetry.unique.primary Unique Events pipeline-preprocessor
telemetry.denorm De-normalized Events druid-events-validator de-normalization Summary Events Druid de-normalization:Summary,
telemetry.derived Summary Events de-normalization:Summary Spark
telemetry.derived.unique Unique Summary Events de-normalization:Summary Validated Events Druid druid-events-validator
telemetry.assess? ASSES/RESPONSE Events? assessment-aggregator ?
telemetry.assess.failed assessment-aggregator
issue.certificate.request assessment-aggregator content-cache-updater ?
events.deviceprofile device-profile-updater ?
telemetry.failed Failed Events telemetry-extractor,
druid-events-validator LOG events Druid telemetry-extractor,

Backup - Secor - Azure Blob Store

Kafka topics are backed up to Azure Blob Store using Secor Processes [expand]

Apache Flink - Stream Processing

Core Components dp-core

Common components shared among all other components of Flink Data Pipeline

domain - package containing event related classes

reader - telemetry reading utilities

serde - package containing Serialization/De-Serialization utilities for String, Byte, Map and Event

cache - package containing utilities for connecting to and querying redis store

  • RedisConnect - A Utility for providing connection to redis via Jedis
  • DataCache - Utility to store and retrieve objects from a redis store of given index
  • DeDupeEngine - De-Duplication Utility - provides helper methods to query de-duplication redis store to check/store a checksum

job - package containing job related base classes and Flink-Kafka connection utility

  • BaseDuplication - Base class (trait) providing de-duplication functionality,
  • BaseJobConfig - Base class for job config
  • BaseProcessFunction - Contains abstract classes for ProcessFunctions in the data-pipeline
    • JobMetrics - Trait providing functionality to modify/retrieve job metrics in a thread safe manner
    • BaseProcessFunction - abstract class extending ProcessFunction, BaseDuplication and JobMetrics takes config as input, all data-pipeline ProcessFunctions inherit from this
    • WindowBaseProcessFunction - abstract class extending WindowProcessFunction, BaseDuplication and JobMetrics takes config as input, all data-pipeline WindowProcessFunctions inherit from this
  • FlinkKafkaConnector - A Utility providing methods for creating Kafka sources and sinks for flink jobs, utilises serde package for Serialization/De-Serialization functionality


  • CassandraUtil - Utility to connect to and query Cassandra
  • FlinkUtil - Utility to provide StreamExecutionEnvironment with job specific config applied
  • JSONUtil - Utility to help with JSON Serialization/De-Serialization
  • PostgresConnect - Utility to connect to and query Postgres
  • RestUtil - Utility for calling REST API

Flink Jobs

Sunbird Flink Job Projects follow the following package structure (mostly) -

  1. domain - Contains all the models relevant to the job - POJO's or Scala case classes
  2. functions - Contains Flink ProcessFunctions for user defined stream transformations
  3. task - Contains Flink Tasks to be run and Config associated with them
  4. util - Helper classes/functions
  5. other packages

Note - In the following documentation ProcessFunction subclasses are frequently attributed to routing messages that satisfy a certain criterion to specific/multiple kafka topics. In reality, ProcessFunctions do not perform the actual routing, they tag messages that satisfy a certain criterion with respective OutputTags, and it's the StreamTask that routes messages with these OutputTags to respective kafka topics. This bit of detail has been skipped to facilitate better understanding of the underlying logic.

Telemetry Extractor telemetry-extractor

Config variable Config key Config value
kafkaInputTopic kafka.input.topic env.telemetry.ingest
kafkaDuplicateTopic kafka.output.duplicate.topic env.telemetry.extractor.duplicate
kafkaBatchFailedTopic kafka.output.batch.failed.topic env.telemetry.extractor.failed
kafkaSuccessTopic kafka.output.success.topic env.telemetry.raw
kafkaLogRouteTopic kafka.output.log.route.topic
kafkaFailedTopic kafka.output.failed.topic env.telemetry.failed
kafkaAssessRawTopic kafka.output.assess.raw.topic env.telemetry.assess.raw
redactEventsList ASSESS, RESPONSE


This task reads from batch telemetry events from kafkaInputTopic and

  • handles de-duplication of batch events by extracting message identifier and checking against a redis store
  • parses unique batch events into individual events and generates AUDIT events
  • routes LOG/AUDIT events and events in redactEventsList to respective kafka topics
  • routes invalid/errored out events to kafka failure topics
  • routes rest of events to be further processed by pipeline-preprocessor

Source - kafkaInputTopic

Sink - kafkaSuccessTopic, kafkaFailedTopic, kafkaDuplicateTopic, kafkaBatchFailedTopic, kafkaAssessRawTopic, kafkaLogRouteTopic

Transformations -

  • Reads from source stream then applies DeDuplicationFunction
    • DeDuplicationFunction
      • routes failed batch-events to kafkaBatchFailedTopic
      • routes duplicate batch-events to kafkaDuplicateTopic
      • applies ExtractionFunction to the unique batch events
    • ExtractionFunction
      • generates AUDIT events (to count the events in a batch) which are routed to kafkaLogRouteTopic
      • extracts individual events from batch-events
      • routes events with size > config.maxSize to kafkaFailedTopic
      • routes LOG events to kafkaLogRouteTopic
      • applies RedactorFunction to events in redactEventsList
      • routes other events to kafkaSuccessTopic
    • RedactorFunction
      • routes all events to kafkaSuccessTopic
      • routes events with questionType=Registration to kafkaAssessRawTopic

Pipeline Pre-processor pipeline-preprocessor

Config variable Config key Config value
kafkaInputTopic kafka.input.topic env.telemetry.raw
kafkaFailedTopic kafka.output.failed.topic env.telemetry.failed
kafkaPrimaryRouteTopic kafka.output.primary.route.topic env.telemetry.unique
kafkaLogRouteTopic kafka.output.log.route.topic
kafkaErrorRouteTopic kafka.output.error.route.topic env.telemetry.error
kafkaAuditRouteTopic kafka.output.audit.route.topic env.telemetry.audit
kafkaDuplicateTopic kafka.output.duplicate.topic env.telemetry.duplicate
kafkaDenormSecondaryRouteTopic kafka.output.denorm.secondary.route.topic env.telemetry.unique.secondary
kafkaDenormPrimaryRouteTopic kafka.output.denorm.primary.route.topic env.telemetry.unique.primary


This task routes data to relevant Kafka topics. It also de-duplicates, validates event schema and flattens SHARE events. Unique events are routed to be processed by de-normalization

Source - kafkaInputTopic

Sink - kafkaFailedTopic, kafkaPrimaryRouteTopic, kafkaLogRouteTopic, kafkaErrorRouteTopic, kafkaAuditRouteTopic, kafkaDuplicateTopic, kafkaDenormSecondaryRouteTopic, kafkaDenormPrimaryRouteTopic

Transformations -

  • Reads from source stream then applies PipelinePreprocessorFunction
    • PipelinePreprocessorFunction
      • if schema is missing or if validation fails events are routed to kafkaFailedTopic
      • routes LOG events to kafkaLogRouteTopic
      • routes duplicate events to kafkaDuplicateTopic
      • routes unique events in secondaryEvents to kafkaDenormSecondaryRouteTopic
      • routes rest of the unique events to kafkaDenormPrimaryRouteTopic
      • also routes unique AUDIT events to kafkaAuditRouteTopic and kafkaPrimaryRouteTopic
      • also routes unique ERROR events to kafkaErrorRouteTopic
      • also routes unique SHARE events to kafkaPrimaryRouteTopic also, flattens them and routes flattened events again to kafkaPrimaryRouteTopic
      • also routes other unique events to kafkaPrimaryRouteTopic

De-Normalization de-normalization

Config variable Config key Config value
telemetryInputTopic kafka.input.telemetry.topic env.telemetry.unique
summaryInputTopic kafka.input.summary.topic env.telemetry.derived
telemetryDenormOutputTopic kafka.telemetry.denorm.output.topic env.telemetry.denorm
summaryDenormOutputTopic kafka.summary.denorm.output.topic
summaryUniqueEventsTopic env.telemetry.derived.unique
failedTopic kafka.output.failed.topic env.telemetry.failed
duplicateTopic kafka.output.duplicate.topic env.telemetry.duplicate
eventsToskip INTERRUPT


This task performs de-normalization of event data (device, user, dial-code, content, location), and then routes events to be validated for Druid Ingestion by druid-events-validator

Source - telemetryInputTopic

Sink - telemetryDenormOutputTopic

Transformations -

  • Reads from source stream, keys by event.did(), windows by config.windowCount then applies DenormalizationWindowFunction
    • DenormalizationWindowFunction
      • filter out events older than config.ignorePeriodInMonths
      • filter out events not suitable for de-normalization
      • de-normalize device, user, dial-code, content, location for rest of the events
      • route de-normalized events to telemetryDenormOutputTopic


This task performs de-duplication of summary data [coming from Spark?] then further performs de-normalization device, user, dial-code, content, location in the summary data, which it routes to be Ingested by Druid

Source - summaryInputTopic

Sink - summaryUniqueEventsTopic, duplicateTopic, telemetryDenormOutputTopic, summaryDenormOutputTopic

Transformations -

  • Reads from source stream and applies SummaryDeduplicationFunction
    • SummaryDeduplicationFunction
      • routes duplicate summary events to duplicateTopic
      • routes unique summary events to summaryUniqueEventsTopic
      • applies DenormalizationWindowFunction to unique summary events after keying by event.did(), windowing by config.windowCount
    • DenormalizationWindowFunction
      • filter out events older than config.ignorePeriodInMonths
      • filter out events not suitable for de-normalization
      • de-normalize device, user, dial-code, content, location for rest of the events
      • route de-normalized events to summaryDenormOutputTopic

Druid Events Validator druid-events-validator

Config variable Config key Config value
kafkaInputTopic kafka.input.topic env.telemetry.denorm
kafkaTelemetryRouteTopic kafka.output.telemetry.route.topic
kafkaSummaryRouteTopic kafka.output.summary.route.topic
kafkaFailedTopic kafka.output.failed.topic env.telemetry.failed
kafkaDuplicateTopic kafka.output.duplicate.topic env.telemetry.duplicate


This task validates events for Druid ingestion, summary and non-summary events are routed to respective kafka topics after routing out invalid and duplicate events

Source - kafkaInputTopic

Sink - kafkaTelemetryRouteTopic, kafkaSummaryRouteTopic, kafkaFailedTopic, kafkaDuplicateTopic

Transformations -

  • Reads from source stream then applies DruidValidatorFunction
    • DruidValidatorFunction
      • validates events for druid ingestion and routes invalid events to kafkaFailedTopic
      • checks if events are unique and routes duplicate events to kafkaDuplicateTopic
      • routes unique valid summary events to kafkaSummaryRouteTopic
      • routes unique valid non summary events to kafkaTelemetryRouteTopic

Assessment Aggregator assessment-aggregator

Config variable Config key Config value
kafkaInputTopic kafka.input.topic env.telemetry.assess
kafkaFailedTopic kafka.failed.topic env.telemetry.assess.failed
kafkaCertIssueTopic kafka.output.certissue.topic env.issue.certificate.request


This task aggregates assessment data saves it to cassandra and issues certificates

Source - kafkaInputTopic

Sink - kafkaFailedTopic, kafkaCertIssueTopic, cassandra

Transformations -

  • Reads from source stream then applies AssessmentAggregatorFunction
    • AssessmentAggregatorFunction
      • checks validity of assess events and routes invalid/errored-out events to kafkaFailedTopic
      • performs aggregations on assess events and saves assessments to cassandra
      • creates certificate issue events and routes them to kafkaCertIssueTopic

Content Cache Updater content-cache-updater

Config variable Config key Config value
inputTopic kafka.input.topic


This task updates content cache and dial code properties in the redis cache

Source - inputTopic

Sink - redis

Transformations -

  • Reads from source stream then applies ContentUpdaterFunction
    • ContentUpdaterFunction
      • updates redis content cache
      • if event has dial code properties, applies DialCodeUpdaterFunction
    • DialCodeUpdaterFunction
      • updates dial code properties in redis

Device Profile Updater device-profile-updater

Config variable Config key Config value
kafkaInputTopic kafka.input.topic


This task updates/inserts device profile to redis cache and postgres database

Source - kafkaInputTopic

Sink - redis, postgres

Transformations -

  • Reads from source stream then applies DeviceProfileUpdaterFunction
    • DeviceProfileUpdaterFunction
      • ignores if there is no device id
      • adds the device to redis cache and postgres database

User Cache Updater user-cache-updater

Config variable Config key Config value
inputTopic kafka.input.topic env.telemetry.audit


This task creates or updates user data in redis cache, fetches user/location metadata from cassandra in case of update

Source - inputTopic

Sink - redis

Transformations -

  • Reads from source stream then applies UserCacheUpdaterFunction
    • UserCacheUpdaterFunction
      • either, creates user data and updates redis cache
      • or, updates user data by fetching user metadata and location metadata from cassandra and then updates redis cache

User Cache Updater 2.0 user-cache-updater-2.0

Config variable Config key Config value
inputTopic kafka.input.topic env.telemetry.audit


This task creates or updates user data in redis cache, fetches user/location metadata from cassandra in case of update

Source - inputTopic

Sink - redis

Transformations -

  • Reads from source stream then applies UserCacheUpdaterFunctionV2
    • UserCacheUpdaterFunctionV2
      • creates user metadata or queries cassandra to get user metadata
      • updates user data in redis cache

Apache Spark - Batch Processing


Druid - OLAP Store

Data Store Type Kafka Topic (env.)
telemetry-events raw events.telemetry
telemetry-log-events raw events.log
summary-events raw events.summary
telemetry-feedback-events raw events.telemetry
tpd-hourly-rollup-syncts rollup
telemetry-rollup-ets rollup events.telemetry
summary-rollup-syncts rollup events.summary
summary-rollup-ets rollup events.summary
summary-distinct-counts rollup events.summary
error-rollup-syncts rollup events.error


Visualize Druid data [expand]


No description, website, or topics provided.






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