We've added a mixing feature to enable the use of different audio sources. Since it's still in beta, please provide feedback. It can be utilized by following these steps.
FeatureUtil.setEnabled(for: .multiTrackAudioMixing, isEnabled: true)
stream.append(sampleBufferA, track: 0)
stream.append(sampleBufferB, track: 1)
Internally, I am now handling data with more than 3 channels. If you encounter issues with IOStreamRecorder, it is recommended to set it back to a maximum of 2 channels when saving locally.
let channels = max(stream.audioInputFormats[0].channels ?? 1, 2)
stream.audioMixerSettings = .init(sampleRate: 0, channels: channels)
Also made the following changes:
- Updated the minimum supported OS version.
- Reviewed the API design to handle audio data from different sources.
- Improved compatibility with RTMP.
- Enhanced performance of SRT.
Related Issues
What's Changed
- Add multichannel audio mixer by @levs42 in #1386
- Deprecated methods and classes have been removed. by @shogo4405 in #1402
- Supported OS version. by @shogo4405 in #1405
- Remove RTMPSocket.swift by @shogo4405 in #1406
- Removed the ScreenCapture-related APIs. by @shogo4405 in #1407
- Bump fastlane from 2.219.0 to 2.220.0 by @dependabot in #1408
- Add IOStreamObserver and confirmed IOStreamRecorder. by @shogo4405 in #1409
- Fixed typo and removed duplicated audio format flag by @yury in #1411
- fix initialization of PSI in TSWriter by @ThibaultBee in #1413
- Improving compatibility with FMLE's FCPublish behavior. by @shogo4405 in #1414
- Improve handling of RTMP timestamps. by @shogo4405 in #1415
- Bump up Logboard to 2.5.0 by @shogo4405 in #1417
- Rename property channel to track. by @shogo4405 in #1418
- Add an ON/OFF switch for the multi-track audio mixing feature. by @shogo4405 in #1420
- Added multi-capture functionality as microphone. by @shogo4405 in #1422
- Refactor AudioCodecSettings/IOAudioMixerSettings. by @shogo4405 in #1425
- Change IOStream's inputFormat to inputFormats. by @shogo4405 in #1427
- Refactoring for muted functionalities. by @shogo4405 in #1428
- Allow dynamic changes of format description. by @shogo4405 in #1429
- Add volume control feature by track. by @shogo4405 in #1430
New Contributors
- @yury made their first contribution in #1411
- @ThibaultBee made their first contribution in #1413
Full Changelog: 1.7.6...1.8.0