What is SQcircuit? |Installation |Documentation |Examples |Contribution
SQcircuit is an open-source Python library that is capable of analyzing an arbitrary superconducting quantum circuit. SQcircuit uses the theory discussed in [Rajabzadeh et al., 2022] to describe the Hamiltonian in the appropriate basis and to effectively find the energy spectrum and eigenvectors of the circuit. To design the desired quantum circuit and to discover new qubits, additional functionalities and methods are provided to extract the circuit properties such as matrix elements, dephasing rate, decay rates, etc.
Theory detail of SQcircuit and the introduction to library functionalities are presented in the following paper:
Taha Rajabzadeh, Zhaoyou Wang, Nathan Lee, Takuma Makihara, Yudan Guo, Amir H. Safavi-Naeini,
Analysis of arbitrary superconducting quantum circuits accompanied by a Python package: SQcircuit,
arXiv:2206.08319 (2022),
For Python above 3.6, SQcirucit can be simply installed via Conda:
conda install -c conda-forge sqcircuit
Alternatively, installation via pip is also provided. (Note that installing pip under Conda environment is not recommended.)
pip install SQcircuit
The documentation of the SQcircuit is provided at: sqcircuit.org
To show the potential of SQcircuit for analyzing the arbitrary superconducting quantum circuits, we have provided variety of examples from state-of-the-art circuits in the literature at:
The source of Jupyter notebook examples can be found at:
You are very welcome to contribute to SQcircuit development by forking this repository and sending pull requests, or filing bug reports at the issues page. All code contributions are acknowledged in the contributors' section in the documentation.