Tracking camera : This package controls a 3 axis 3D printed gimbal using computer vision to track human faces and/or body. The gimbal can also be controlled manually via an rqt interface. Everything works in a ROS environnement. In this package, you can find all the mechanical parts needed to build our project as well as all the code to make it work.
To assemble the mechanical parts you'll have to 3D print a few parts and buy some others. For complete instruction about how to procede, follow this guide
To control the motors with ROS you’ll need to put the OpenCR board into a usb to dynamixel bridge.
First, change your port permissions by typing this command line:
[user@machine ~]$ sudo usermod -a -G dialout <user>
Note that you have to logout/login to make the change available . Then follow the instructions here to make your board visible on Arduino IDE. You only have to follow the steps from 4. 1. Install on Linux to 4. 1. 5. 3. Port Setting
Now you can upload the following code File -> Examples -> OpenCR -> 10.Etc -> usb_to_dxl
For this project, you will need a computer or Jetson Xavier as well as an OpenCR. First of all, you need to have Ubuntu 18.04 installed on your computer as well as ROS Melodic. Here are the installation steps :
- darknet_ros
- dynamixel_workbench
- usb_cam
sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-dynamixel-workbench
sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-usb-cam
darknet_ros is not yet supported on Melodic, so you will need to build it from the source.
After cloning our repository, build in your catkin workspace :
git clone
Once everything is installed, run our project with
roslaunch tracking_camera full.launch
To run only manual mode
roslaunch tracking_camera manual.launch
Here's what our user interface looks like when launched.
Darknet config
- darknet.yaml
Contains the camera configuration for darknet and which image topic to subscribe to.
Motors config
- config_motors.yaml
Contains the motors configuration : IDs, names, etc.
Yolo config
- yolov3.yaml
Contains yolo configuration : Accuracy threshold, classes to track.
This is the only node in the package. It is a rqt plugin. You can control the gimbal manually using the UI sliders. It also subscribes to darknet and controls the gimbal to track faces when it is put in auto mode.
([dynamixel_workbench_msgs/DynamixelStateList])Motors live states
([sensor_msgs/NatSatFix])Position and dimension of detected objects
Enter this line in terminal:
rostest tracking_camera test_test.test