This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository.
{eloquent} Sync to eloquent-cache.yaml as of 20200121215414
Recipes generated by superflore for all packages in ROS distribution eloquent. This pull request was generated by running the following command: superflore-gen-oe-recipes --dry-run --no-branch --ros-distro eloquent --output-repository-path . --upstream-branch HEAD Eloquent Changes: ================= * ament-cmake-virtualenv 0.0.5-6 * ament-virtualenv 0.0.5-6 * angles 1.12.1-1 --> 1.12.2-1 * automotive-autonomy-msgs 3.0.3-1 * automotive-navigation-msgs 3.0.3-1 * automotive-platform-msgs 3.0.3-1 * class-loader 1.4.0-1 --> 1.4.1-1 * costmap-queue 0.3.2-1 * cross-compile 0.2.0-1 * cv-bridge 2.1.3-1 --> 2.1.4-1 * desktop 0.8.3-1 --> 0.8.4-1 * dolly 0.2.0-1 * dolly-follow 0.2.0-1 * dolly-gazebo 0.2.0-1 * dwb-core 0.3.2-1 * dwb-critics 0.3.2-1 * dwb-msgs 0.3.2-1 * dwb-plugins 0.3.2-1 * dynamic-edt-3d 1.9.2-1 --> 1.9.3-1 * ecl-command-line 1.0.4-1 --> 1.0.6-1 * ecl-concepts 1.0.4-1 --> 1.0.6-1 * ecl-config 1.0.3-1 --> 1.0.5-1 * ecl-console 1.0.3-1 --> 1.0.5-1 * ecl-containers 1.0.4-1 --> 1.0.6-1 * ecl-converters 1.0.4-1 --> 1.0.6-1 * ecl-converters-lite 1.0.3-1 --> 1.0.5-1 * ecl-core 1.0.4-1 --> 1.0.6-1 * ecl-core-apps 1.0.4-1 --> 1.0.6-1 * ecl-devices 1.0.4-1 --> 1.0.6-1 * ecl-eigen 1.0.4-1 --> 1.0.6-1 * ecl-errors 1.0.3-1 --> 1.0.5-1 * ecl-exceptions 1.0.4-1 --> 1.0.6-1 * ecl-filesystem 1.0.4-1 --> 1.0.6-1 * ecl-formatters 1.0.4-1 --> 1.0.6-1 * ecl-geometry 1.0.4-1 --> 1.0.6-1 * ecl-io 1.0.3-1 --> 1.0.5-1 * ecl-ipc 1.0.4-1 --> 1.0.6-1 * ecl-linear-algebra 1.0.4-1 --> 1.0.6-1 * ecl-lite 1.0.3-1 --> 1.0.5-1 * ecl-manipulators 1.0.4-1 --> 1.0.6-1 * ecl-math 1.0.4-1 --> 1.0.6-1 * ecl-mobile-robot 1.0.4-1 --> 1.0.6-1 * ecl-mpl 1.0.4-1 --> 1.0.6-1 * ecl-sigslots 1.0.4-1 --> 1.0.6-1 * ecl-sigslots-lite 1.0.3-1 --> 1.0.5-1 * ecl-statistics 1.0.4-1 --> 1.0.6-1 * ecl-streams 1.0.4-1 --> 1.0.6-1 * ecl-threads 1.0.4-1 --> 1.0.6-1 * ecl-time 1.0.4-1 --> 1.0.6-1 * ecl-time-lite 1.0.3-1 --> 1.0.5-1 * ecl-type-traits 1.0.4-1 --> 1.0.6-1 * ecl-utilities 1.0.4-1 --> 1.0.6-1 * examples-tf2-py 0.12.4-1 --> 0.12.5-1 * geometry2 0.12.4-1 --> 0.12.5-1 * image-geometry 2.1.3-1 --> 2.1.4-1 * kobuki-core 1.0.0-1 * kobuki-dock-drive 1.0.0-1 * kobuki-driver 1.0.0-1 * kobuki-ftdi 1.0.0-1 * kobuki-ros 1.0.0-2 * kobuki-ros-interfaces 1.0.0-1 * launch 0.9.5-1 --> 0.9.6-1 * launch-ros 0.9.4-1 --> 0.9.5-1 * launch-testing 0.9.5-1 --> 0.9.6-1 * launch-testing-ament-cmake 0.9.5-1 --> 0.9.6-1 * launch-testing-ros 0.9.4-1 --> 0.9.5-1 * launch-xml 0.9.5-1 --> 0.9.6-1 * launch-yaml 0.9.5-1 --> 0.9.6-1 * mavlink 2019.12.30-1 * nav-2d-msgs 0.3.2-1 * nav-2d-utils 0.3.2-1 * nav2-amcl 0.3.2-1 * nav2-behavior-tree 0.3.2-1 * nav2-bringup 0.3.2-1 * nav2-bt-navigator 0.3.2-1 * nav2-common 0.3.2-1 * nav2-controller 0.3.2-1 * nav2-core 0.3.2-1 * nav2-costmap-2d 0.3.2-1 * nav2-dwb-controller 0.3.2-1 * nav2-gazebo-spawner 0.3.2-1 * nav2-lifecycle-manager 0.3.2-1 * nav2-map-server 0.3.2-1 * nav2-msgs 0.3.2-1 * nav2-navfn-planner 0.3.2-1 * nav2-planner 0.3.2-1 * nav2-recoveries 0.3.2-1 * nav2-rviz-plugins 0.3.2-1 * nav2-system-tests 0.3.2-1 * nav2-util 0.3.2-1 * nav2-voxel-grid 0.3.2-1 * nav2-waypoint-follower 0.3.2-1 * navigation2 0.3.2-1 * nonpersistent-voxel-layer 2.1.0-2 * ntpd-driver 2.0.1-1 * octomap 1.9.2-1 --> 1.9.3-1 * octovis 1.9.2-1 --> 1.9.3-1 * ouster-msgs 0.1.0-1 * plansys2-bringup 0.0.5-1 * plansys2-domain-expert 0.0.5-1 * plansys2-executor 0.0.5-1 * plansys2-lifecycle-manager 0.0.5-1 * plansys2-msgs 0.0.5-1 * plansys2-multidomain-example 0.0.5-1 * plansys2-patrol-navigation-example 0.0.5-1 * plansys2-pddl-parser 0.0.5-1 * plansys2-planner 0.0.5-1 * plansys2-problem-expert 0.0.5-1 * plansys2-simple-example 0.0.5-1 * plansys2-terminal 0.0.5-1 * popf 0.0.11-1 * py-trees 2.0.4-1 --> 2.0.6-1 * py-trees-js 0.5.1-1 --> 0.6.1-1 * py-trees-ros 2.0.1-1 --> 2.0.4-1 * py-trees-ros-interfaces 2.0.0-1 --> 2.0.2-1 * py-trees-ros-tutorials 2.0.0-1 --> 2.0.1-1 * py-trees-ros-viewer 0.1.4-1 --> 0.2.2-1 * rcl 0.8.3-1 --> 0.8.4-1 * rcl-action 0.8.3-1 --> 0.8.4-1 * rcl-lifecycle 0.8.3-1 --> 0.8.4-1 * rcl-yaml-param-parser 0.8.3-1 --> 0.8.4-1 * rclcpp 0.8.3-1 --> 0.8.4-1 * rclcpp-action 0.8.3-1 --> 0.8.4-1 * rclcpp-components 0.8.3-1 --> 0.8.4-1 * rclcpp-lifecycle 0.8.3-1 --> 0.8.4-1 * rclpy 0.8.3-1 --> 0.8.4-1 * realtime-tools 2.0.0-2 * ros-base 0.8.3-1 --> 0.8.4-1 * ros-core 0.8.3-1 --> 0.8.4-1 * ros1-bridge 0.8.1-4 --> 0.8.2-1 * ros1-rosbag-storage-vendor 0.0.7-1 --> 0.0.7-4 * ros2-ouster 0.1.0-1 * ros2action 0.8.6-1 --> 0.8.7-1 * ros2cli 0.8.6-1 --> 0.8.7-1 * ros2component 0.8.6-1 --> 0.8.7-1 * ros2doctor 0.8.6-1 --> 0.8.7-1 * ros2interface 0.8.6-1 --> 0.8.7-1 * ros2launch 0.9.4-1 --> 0.9.5-1 * ros2lifecycle 0.8.6-1 --> 0.8.7-1 * ros2lifecycle-test-fixtures 0.8.6-1 --> 0.8.7-1 * ros2msg 0.8.6-1 --> 0.8.7-1 * ros2multicast 0.8.6-1 --> 0.8.7-1 * ros2node 0.8.6-1 --> 0.8.7-1 * ros2param 0.8.6-1 --> 0.8.7-1 * ros2pkg 0.8.6-1 --> 0.8.7-1 * ros2run 0.8.6-1 --> 0.8.7-1 * ros2service 0.8.6-1 --> 0.8.7-1 * ros2srv 0.8.6-1 --> 0.8.7-1 * ros2topic 0.8.6-1 --> 0.8.7-1 * rosbag2-bag-v2-plugins 0.0.7-1 --> 0.0.7-4 * rosidl-adapter 0.8.1-1 --> 0.8.2-1 * rosidl-cmake 0.8.1-1 --> 0.8.2-1 * rosidl-generator-c 0.8.1-1 --> 0.8.2-1 * rosidl-generator-cpp 0.8.1-1 --> 0.8.2-1 * rosidl-parser 0.8.1-1 --> 0.8.2-1 * rosidl-typesupport-interface 0.8.1-1 --> 0.8.2-1 * rosidl-typesupport-introspection-c 0.8.1-1 --> 0.8.2-1 * rosidl-typesupport-introspection-cpp 0.8.1-1 --> 0.8.2-1 * rqt-console 1.1.0-1 --> 1.1.1-1 * rqt-graph 1.0.3-1 --> 1.0.4-1 * rqt-image-view 1.0.3-1 --> 1.0.4-1 * rqt-tf-tree 1.0.0-1 --> 1.0.1-1 * rviz-assimp-vendor 7.0.3-1 --> 7.0.4-1 * rviz-common 7.0.3-1 --> 7.0.4-1 * rviz-default-plugins 7.0.3-1 --> 7.0.4-1 * rviz-ogre-vendor 7.0.3-1 --> 7.0.4-1 * rviz-rendering 7.0.3-1 --> 7.0.4-1 * rviz-rendering-tests 7.0.3-1 --> 7.0.4-1 * rviz-visual-testing-framework 7.0.3-1 --> 7.0.4-1 * rviz2 7.0.3-1 --> 7.0.4-1 * spatio-temporal-voxel-layer 2.1.2-2 * tf2 0.12.4-1 --> 0.12.5-1 * tf2-eigen 0.12.4-1 --> 0.12.5-1 * tf2-geometry-msgs 0.12.4-1 --> 0.12.5-1 * tf2-kdl 0.12.4-1 --> 0.12.5-1 * tf2-msgs 0.12.4-1 --> 0.12.5-1 * tf2-py 0.12.4-1 --> 0.12.5-1 * tf2-ros 0.12.4-1 --> 0.12.5-1 * tf2-sensor-msgs 0.12.4-1 --> 0.12.5-1 * vision-opencv 2.1.3-1 --> 2.1.4-1
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