This is Yelp Web Application that allows users to register and order food online from the list of available restaurants and register for interesting events.
- Clone the repository's back end folder "backend" into any machine having node.js installed on it.
- Open the terminal in the folder "Backend".
- Execute "npm install" to install all the dependencies.
- Create database "Yelp" in Mongo database server.
- Update the default.json file in config folder with Mongo URI
- Update the index.js file with the frontend's IP and port.
- Execute "node index" to run backend server.
- Clone the repository's front end folder "frontend" into any machine having node.js installed on it.
- Open the terminal in the folder "frontend".
- Execute "npm install" to install all the dependencies.
- Execute "npm start" to run the frontend server.
Open the browser and navigate to Front end server's IP address with Port number (Eg: to find the landing page.