This is a blog webapp with options for the user to post articles and comment on them. The blog also provides user authentication for users to SignIn, SignUp, and even reset their password if forgotten. Although currently, the confirmation mail is not sent to the user because I do not have any SMTP server set up yet. However, if run locally, the sample mail can be seen in the logs.
- Python 3.5
- Django 1.10
- Install Python 3.5. See this for details.
- Install Django 1.10 using
pip install django==1.10
Create a superuser (admin) for handling the web app.
to root of the project and enter in terminal:python makemigrations python migrate python createsuperuser
Enter your username, email and password.
Enter following in terminal to run server on localhost:
python runserver
Visit http://localhost:8000 to view the app. Login to admin area http://localhost:8000/admin to create, manage, edit and delete users, posts and comments.
The Blog has already been deployed on Heroku at - Shreyansh's Blog