Ask-Atlas is a chatbot that allows users to ask questions about the Atlas database and receive answers. It is a RAG chatbot that uses Langchain, Streamlit, and OpenAI's LLMs (GPT-4o, GPT-4o-mini).
flowchart TD
A[User Question] --> B{Check Input Type}
B -->|Non-trade/Harmful| C[Refuse to Answer]
B -->|Valid Trade Input| D1[Condense question]
D1 --> D[Get Product Classification]
D1 --> E{Check for Product Names}
E -->|Products Found| F[Product Lookup]
E -->|No Products| H[Agentic Query Planning]
D --> F
F -->|Product Codes| H
D --> D2[Get Schema]
D2 -->|Schema| H
H --> H1[Generate SQL Query]
H1 --> H2[Execute Query]
H2 --> H3{Answer Complete?}
H3 -->|No| H
H3 -->|Yes| J[Generate Final Response]
style C fill:#ffcccc
style F fill:#e6f3ff
style H fill:#e6e6ff
style J fill:#e6ffe6