Quizzer is a web-based quiz application designed to help aspiring full-stack and web developers prepare for technical interviews. It offers a wide range of quiz questions related to web development, programming languages, and web frameworks. Whether you're a beginner looking to learn or an experienced developer aiming to brush up your knowledge, Quizzer has got you covered.
- A diverse collection of quiz questions covering various topics in web development.
- Choose from different categories.
- A timer to simulate real-time interview scenarios.
- User-friendly design for a seamless quiz-taking experience.
- React for the front-end user interface.
- JSON Server for the back-end API to store and serve quiz data.
- JavaScript and Axios for making API requests.
- CSS for styling and responsive design.
Check out the live demo of Quizzer to start preparing for your technical interviews: Quizzer Demo
Important Note: Website is hosted with Render's free plan, so it takes 30 seconds to initially load.