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Kutt is a modern URL shortener with support for custom domains. Create and edit links, view statistics, manage users, and more.

docker-build-release Uptime Status Contributions GitHub license

Table of contents

Key features

  • Created with self-host in mind:
    • Zero configuration needed
    • Easy setup with no build step
    • Supporting various databases (SQLite, Postgres, MySQL)
    • Ability to disable registration and anonymous links
  • Custom domain support
  • Set custom URLs, password, description, and expiration time for links
  • View, edit, delete and manage your links
  • Private statistics for shortened URLs
  • Admin page to manage users and links
  • RESTful API

Donations and sponsors

Support the development of Kutt by making a donation or becoming an sponsor.

Donate or sponsor →


The only prerequisite is Node.js (version 20 or above). The default database is SQLite. You can optionally install Posrgres or MySQL/MariaDB for the database or Redis for the cache.

When you first start the app, you're prompted to create an admin account.

  1. Clone this repository or download the latest zip
  2. Install dependencies: npm install
  3. Intialize database: npm run migrate
  4. Start the app for development npm run dev or production npm start


Make sure Docker is installed, then you can start the app from the root directory:

docker compose up

Various docker-compose configurations are available. Use docker compose -f <file_name> up to start the one you want:

Official Kutt Docker image is available on Docker Hub.


View API documentation →


The app is configured via environment variables. You can pass environment variables directly or create a .env file. View .example.env file for the list of configurations.

All variables are optional except JWT_SECRET which is required on production.

Variable Description Default Example
JWT_SECRET This is used to sign authentication tokens. Use a long random string. - -
PORT The port to start the app on 3000 8888
SITE_NAME Name of the website Kutt Your Site
DEFAULT_DOMAIN The domain address that this app runs on localhost:3000
LINK_LENGTH The length of of shortened address 6 5
DISALLOW_REGISTRATION Disable registration. Note that if MAIL_ENABLED is set to false, then the registration would still be disabled since it relies on emails to sign up users. true false
DISALLOW_ANONYMOUS_LINKS Disable anonymous link creation true false
DB_CLIENT Which database client to use. Supported clients: pg or pg-native for Postgres, mysql2 for MySQL or MariaDB, sqlite3 and better-sqlite3 for SQLite. NOTE: pg-native and better-sqlite3 are not installed by default, use npm to install them before use. sqlite3 pg
DB_HOST Database connection host. Only if you use Postgres or MySQL. localhost
DB_PORT Database port. Only if you use Postgres or MySQL. 5432 (Postgres) 3306 (MySQL)
DB_NAME Database name. Only if you use Postgres or MySQL. kutt mydb
DB_USER Database user. Only if you use Postgres or MySQL. postgres myuser
DB_PASSWORD Database password. Only if you use Postgres or MySQL. - mypassword
DB_SSL Whether use SSL for the database connection. Only if you use Postgres or MySQL. false true
DB_POOL_MIN Minimum number of database connection pools. Only if you use Postgres or MySQL. 0 2
DB_POOL_MAX Maximum number of database connection pools. Only if you use Postgres or MySQL. 10 5
REDIS_ENABLED Whether to use Redis for cache false true
REDIS_HOST Redis connection host
REDIS_PORT Redis port 6379 6379
REDIS_PASSWORD Redis passowrd - mypassword
REDIS_DB Redis database number, between 0 and 15. 0 1
SERVER_IP_ADDRESS The IP address shown to the user on the setting's page. It's only for display purposes and has no other use. -
SERVER_CNAME_ADDRESS The subdomain shown to the user on the setting's page. It's only for display purposes and has no other use. -
CUSTOM_DOMAIN_USE_HTTPS Use https for links with custom domain. It's on you to generate SSL certificates for those domains manually—at least on this version for now. false true
ENABLE_RATE_LIMIT Enable rate limitting for some API routes. If Redis is enabled uses Redis, otherwise, uses memory. false true
MAIL_ENABLED Enable emails, which are used for signup, verifying or changing email address, resetting password, and sending reports. If is disabled, all these functionalities will be disabled too. false true
MAIL_HOST Email server host -
MAIL_PORT Email server port 587 465 (SSL)
MAIL_USER Email server user - myuser
MAIL_PASSWORD Email server password for the user - mypassword
MAIL_FROM Email address to send the user from - [email protected]
MAIL_SECURE Whether use SSL for the email server connection false true
REPORT_EMAIL The email address that will receive submitted reports - [email protected]
CONTACT_EMAIL The support email address to show on the app - [email protected]

Browser extensions

Download Kutt's extension for web browsers via below links.


Official videos



You can use Kutt as your default URL shortener in ShareX. If you host your custom instance of Kutt, refer to ShareX wiki on how to setup.

Alfred workflow

Download Kutt's official workflow for Alfred app from alfred-kutt repository.

Third-party packages

Language Link Description
C# (.NET) KuttSharp .NET package for url shortener
C# (.NET) Kutt.NET C# API Wrapper for Kutt
Python kutt-cli Command-line client for Kutt written in Python
Ruby kutt.rb Kutt library written in Ruby
Rust urlshortener URL shortener library written in Rust
Rust kutt-rs Command line tool written in Rust
Node.js node-kutt Node.js client for url shortener
JavaScript kutt-vscode Visual Studio Code extension for Kutt
Java kutt-desktop A Cross platform Java desktop application for Kutt
Go kutt-go Go client for url shortener
BASH GitHub Gist Simple BASH function to access the API
BASH url-shortener Simple BASH script with GUI


Pull requests are welcome. Open a discussion for feedback, requesting features, or discussing ideas.

Special thanks to Thomas and Muthu. Logo design by Muthu.


Free Modern URL Shortener.







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  • JavaScript 45.2%
  • Handlebars 24.5%
  • HTML 16.6%
  • CSS 13.5%
  • Dockerfile 0.2%