[new] Options button to set launch options
[new] Options window: Continue last save game (automatically load last save game on start). Sets the "--continuelastsave" cmdline argument
[new] Options window: Disable Steam Workshop. Sets the "--noWorkshop" cmdline argument
[new] Options window: Disable Mods. Sets the "--disableMods" cmdline argument
[new] Options window: Disable Game Log. Sets the "-nolog" cmdline argument
[new] Options window: Force game to run in fullscreen/window/borderless window mode
[new] Options window: Limit FPS
[new] Options window: Force Direct3D 9. Sets the "-forced3d9" cmdline argument
[new] Options window: Force OpenGL. Sets the "-forceopengl" cmdline argument
[new] Options window: Possibility to add any other cmdline argument you might need
[change] has a 5 second countdown before starting the game
[change] new darker background image (better contrast with the text)
[change] launcher automatically closes 5 seconds after starting the game
[fix] Launcher can now be placed in same folder as the game
[fix] Steam Overlay should be fully functional now
You can’t perform that action at this time.