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Vivian Chu edited this page Nov 21, 2016 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the data_logger_bag wiki!

This wiki will detail and organize the different ways to use this package.


To get started and install the necessary components for the package to work, please see the tutorial on installation located at [Getting Starting](Getting Started)

Recording Rosbag files

This package has custom files to allow for easier recording of rosbag files programmatically as opposed to just from the command line. For details on how to use this functionality please see [Recording Data](Recording Data)

Rosbag to HDF5

Once a bag file is saved (or several), this tutorial walks through how to convert the rosbag files into hdf5 format: [Converting Data](Converting Data)

Kinectv2 Point Cloud playback

Unrelated but super useful, how to record and convert recorded depth data from the kinect v2 into point cloud information can be found in this tutorial: [Kinect2 Playback](Kinect2 Playback)

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