- TypeScript/JavaScript
- Vue 2/3 + Vue Ecosystem (router/vuex/pinia/etc)
- NodeJS + NestJS/ExpressJS
- Python + FastAPI/Django/SQLAlchemy
- PostgreSQL/MongoDB
- Docker + GH Actions/Jenkins/GitLab CICD
More about my stack, techs and experience read on samolyev.ru
🏅 Often participate in hackathons with team "flint3s". More about our team here or right on GitHub - @flint3s My latest achievements:
- April 2023 - victory in the hackathon "Optimize & Organize Challenge"
- April 2023 - victory in the hackathon "PROSTO x SBER"
- June 2023 - victory in the hackathon "bushe x KOTELOV"
- August 2023 - victory in the hackathon "Digital Breakthrough"
- Preffered telegram: t.me/siailya
- Also write email: [email protected]
- overcreated v3 - My portfolio, timeline and CV. It's my "homepage". There you can find all info about me and my current contacts! Also there is overcreated v2 - previous version. Checkout the evolution of this project!
- Checkdeli - A webapp that helps split receipts in big companies after cafe, picnics or partys. Works both online and offline (PWA)
- MemesGames - A multiplayer online game with memes cards (likes imaginarium)
- And more at repository section!