A University Database is implmented in Neo4j via a graphic model. .cypher scripts are then created to study the database with different queries\
- ER diagram of the Database
- ImportData.cypher : The data is provided in csv files in data.zip. These csv files are loaded into Neo4J to create nodes and edges.
- QueryUniversity.cypher : This file consists of the queries to acces the following information
- The student number and ssn of the student whose name is "Becky"
- The major name and major level of the student whose ssn is 123097834
- The names of all courses offered by the department of Computer Science
- All degree names and levels offered by the department Computer Science
- The names of all students who have a minor
- The count of students who have a minor
- The names and snums of all students enrolled in course “Algorithm”
- The name, snum and SSN of the students whose name contains letter “n” or “N”
- The name, snum and SSN of the students whose name does not contain letter “n” or “N”
- The course number, name and the number of students registered for each course
- The name of the students enrolled in Fall2020 semester.
- The course numbers and names of all courses offered by Department of Computer Science
- The course numbers and names of all courses offered by either Department of Computer Science or Department of Landscape Architect.
- The home department of all students (home department of a student is the department that manages the student’s major). Return the students’ names and their home departments’ names
- The counts of female and male students whose home department is Computer Science
- ModifyRecords.cypher : This file consists of queries to modify information in a Neo4j Database. For exaple purposed, the following changes are made via this script
- Change the name of the student with ssn = 746897816 to Scott
- Change the major of the student with ssn = 746897816 to Computer Science, Master.
- Delete all registration records that were in “Spring2021”,
- DropAll.cypher : This script deletes all nodes and edges from the database