Ruby script to automatically send messages to your friends or groups
step 1:Create a rails project.
step 2:Add these two gems in the Gemfile of your project=>gem 'pry-rails', gem 'watir'.
step 3:open rails console and type following commands:
browser =
browser.goto("") //scan the QR code
browser.text_field(title: 'Search or start new chat').set 'NAME OF GROUP/FRIEND'
browser.send_keys :enter
element=browser.div(:class => "input")
script = "return arguments[0].innerHTML = 'YOUR MESSAGE'"
10.times do // Number of times you want to send message.Don't do it for a large number as WhatsApp may block you.
browser.execute_script(script, element)
browser.send_keys :space
browser.send_keys :enter
WARNING:Please use this script only for educational purposes, i am not responsible if your friends ( or even Whatsapp ) block you.
From whatsapp FAQ:
Be aware that the following actions are in violation of our Terms of Service:
Using an automated system or an unauthorized / unofficial client application to send messages through WhatsApp.