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breaking-change 💥
breaking-change :boom:
Issue or PR that introduces a breaking change i.e breaks current user's code
bug 🐛
bug :bug:
Something isn't working
documentation 📖
documentation :book:
Improvements or additions to documentation
This issue or pull request already exists
enhancement ✨
enhancement :sparkles:
New feature or request
Issues/PRs related to changes in example
help wanted
help wanted
Extra attention is needed
infra 🏗️
infra :building_construction:
Infrastructure like CI, Github, overall package development experience
infra: ci 👷
infra: ci :construction_worker:
Infra issues related to Github Actions (CI/CD)
infra: community
infra: community
Infra issues related to community management
infra: development-experience 🚸
infra: development-experience :children_crossing:
Infra issues related to package development experience
internal: dependencies ⬆➕
internal: dependencies ⬆➕
PR to add or update the version of dependencies
internal: refactor ♻️
internal: refactor :recycle:
Code refactors/renames that doesn't affect the public API directly
internal: style 💅
internal: style :nail_care:
Code style changes which doesn't add new features or fix bugs
internal: waiting-for-dependency-update
internal: waiting-for-dependency-update
Waiting for a fix/feature to be added in a dependent package
performance 🚀
performance :rocket:
Performance related issues or improvements
release 🎉
release :tada:
PRs related to releasing to Github and Pub
revert ⏪
revert :rewind:
Reverts a PR
test: integration-test
test: integration-test
Issues/PRs related to example integration tests
test 🚨
test :rotating_light:
Issues/PRs related to unit/widget/integration tests
test: unit-test
test: unit-test
Issues/PRs related to package widget/unit tests
Further information is requested
This will not be worked on