Course Planner is a web app that allows the students to plan their curriculum based on the careers, majors and subjects they are interested in.
There are three pathways to choose from:
Get Careers The users start by choosing a career from a list of potential careers. Based on the chosen career, the users are presented with a list of majors they can pursue, for getting into the selected career. Once a major is chosen by the users, they are presented with a list of third year subjects that they can choose from. The chosen third year subjects will present a Sankey Diagram containing the various paths the users can follow, ie the various first, second and third year subjects that they can choose, for getting a job in their desired career.
Career -> Major -> Third Year Subjects -> Visualisation
Get Majors The users start by choosing a major from a list of potential majors. Based on the chosen major, the users are presented with a list of available third year subjects they need to complete for that major. Once the users select the required third year subjects, they are presented with a Sankey diagram similar to the one in the "Get Careers" pathway, but based on the subjects and major chosen by the users.
Major -> Third Year Subjects -> Visualisation
Get Subjects (First Year) The users start by choosing subjects from a list of first year subjects. Based on the chosen first year subjects, the users are presented with a list of majors that they can pursue. When the users select a major from the list of presented majors, they are provided with a list of third year subjects that they can choose from. Once the users have a selected a set of third year subjects, they are presented with a Sankey Diagram showing the various pathways that the user can pursue based on the selected parameters.
First Year Subjects -> Major -> Third Year Subjects -> Visualisation
- HTML Formatting
- Optimise the code by removing duplicate functions performing the same task from main.js
- Add the option to go to previous window (that the user came from) by clicking on a button
- Generate_json.ipynb needs to be fixed so that the JSON files do not have unnecessary "/" symbols as well as double apostrophe commas at the beginning and end of the generated JSON files
- JSON file not being generated for Mathematics and Statistics major due to some issue with the data in the csv file for that major. Once the data for the major is changed in the file, remove the line that omits generating the JSON file for that major in the generate_mult_json function in "Generate_json.ipynb" python script
- Build a secure UI for uploading new csv files such that whenever a new csv file is uploaded, the "Generate_json.ipynb" script is automatically run and the old json files are updated with the new data.
- Add option to choose third year subjects after choosing a major in the "Get Careers" pathway
- Present visualisation based on the chosen major and chosen third year subjects in the "Get Majors" pathway
- Present visualisation based on the chosen third year subjects in the "Get Subjects (First Year)" pathway
- Add AJAX autocomplete feature wherever there is a long list of options of to choose from
- Add an option to choose a maximum of five first year subjects
- Add an option to choose a maximum of ten third year subjects
- Subjects should be added to a table and present dynamically in the UI as they are chosen
- The visualisation should be dynamically updated and presented whenever a user selects a major or a set of subjects
- Present the number of variations left whenever a choice of majors or subjects is made
- Option to select multiple majors rather than just one.