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2 work in the Z shell

sigoa edited this page May 2, 2018 · 10 revisions

About 5+ Gigabyte space is required to build your Linux ISO image.

Edit ....../build-system/config to your liking then produce an .ISO image to boot off of.

Once finished after like 30+ minutes, you will be able to find the .ISO below ..../live-sdk/dist/ directory.

Do not type $ or r3% et cetera - here is how it should look in the zsh Konsole :

cd     ....../build-system/live-sdk

$ zsh -f

r3% source sdk 

 [D] Zuper 0.4 initialized

 [D] 21 global variables registered

 [D] 11 global arrays registered

 [D] 10 global maps registered

 (*) live-sdk loaded

livesdk@r3  % load devuan amd64 heads 

  [D] load devuan amd64 heads
  .  libdevuansdk v1.0 loaded
  .  devuan blend leaded
livesdk@r3  % 


enter password etc. to continue. if ISO does not build due to space error or something ,

cd   tmp/devuan-amd64-build/


to build new ISO. Instead of doing a complete ISO, you can also do 9 smaller steps which are documented here , which makes sense in order to trace errors.

When you boot up and run heads / Merlot, as luther start pulseaudio with

pulseaudio -D

Then you'll get sound in Tor Browser.

wiki --- Merlot

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