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Unit of Measure conversion to working three digit codes
There are two ways to approach this. You can either skip the video below and go straight to the ways we measure Stuff, and when you are bored enough, come back to watch George Carlin's stuff video. Or you can watch it right now and enjoy dealing with the Stuff below involving measuring Stuff. As trivial as this whole thing is, it is crucial for managing your business.
George Carlin's Comic Relieft: "Stuff"
This list is a compilation of the Units of Measured supported by the Electronic Invoice Generator Service Provider (EIGSP) as compliance with the tax authority in Guatemala, when submitting Electronic Invoices to obtain a digital signature validating them as legal documents.
Please use the following reference to add three-digit codes to your existing or new Units of Measure. Unit names are in es_GT. These codes are required for proper functioning of our application. You may use whichever name suits your needs for the UOM Name field, regardless of the Language you use in ERPNext. Despite the fact that some of these units might not apparently make sense, given duplicate codes or names, they are actually used in official data transfer with the Fiscal Authority in Guatemala.
Codigo/Code | UOM Name / Nombre UDM (es_GT) | UOM Name / Nombre UDM (en_US) |
12C | Medio ciento | Half hundred |
12D | Media docena | Half dozen |
12G | 12 Gramos | 12 Grams |
12L | ½ Litro | ½ Liter |
12M | ½ Metro | ½ Meter |
12Q | ½ Quintal | ½ Quintal |
55L | Rollo 55 Lbs | 55 Lb. roll |
80G | 80 Gramos | 80 Grams |
85G | 85 Gramos | 85 Grams |
A | Amperio | Ampere |
ADA | Adaptador | Adapter |
AGU | Aguja | Needle |
AMP | Ampolla | Ampoule |
AUD | Audifono | Headphone |
B50 | Barril 50 Libras | 50 Lb. Barrel |
B55 | Barril 55 Galones | 55 Lb. Gallons |
BAG | Bolsas | Bags |
BAR | Barril | Barrel |
BAT | Bateria | Battery |
BBL | Barril Medida Liquida | Liquid Measure Barrel |
BCA | Boca Ancha | Wide Mouth |
BLS | Bolsa | Bag |
BLT | Bultos | Bundle |
BOC | Bocina | Horn |
BOL | Bolsa | Bag |
BOT | Bote | Bottle |
BRA | Bracket | Bracket |
BRL | Barril | Barrel |
BSA | Bolsa | Bag |
BTL | Botella | Canister |
C/U | Unidad | Unit C/U = Cada Uno = For Each |
C10 | Caja de 10 | Box of 10 |
C5 | Caja de 5 | Box of 5 |
C6 | Caja de 6 | Box of 6 |
CAJ | Cajas | Boxes |
CAM | Camara | Camera |
CAN | Caneca | Can |
CAS | Case | Case |
CEL | Celular | Cellular |
CIE | Ciento | Hundred |
CIL | Cilindro | Cylinder |
CIN | Cinta | Tape |
CIR | Circulos | Circles |
CJ | Caja | Box |
CM | Centimetro | Centimeter |
CIN | Cinta | Tape |
CIR | Circulos | Circles |
CJ | Caja | Box |
CM | Centimetro | Centimeter |
CMA | Camionada | Truckload |
CON | Conector | Connector |
COP | Copa | Cup |
COR | Patch Cord | Patch Cord |
CSE | Carrete | Spool |
CSE | Case | Case |
CTO | Cuarto de Galon | Quarter Gallon |
CTP | Caja de Two Pack | Two Pack Box |
CUB | Cubeta | Bucket |
DEC | Decena | Ten count |
DIA | Dia | Day |
DIC | Dieciseis | Dieciseis |
DIS | Disco | Disc |
DOC | Docenas | Dozens |
EA | Unidad | Unit |
ELE | Electrodo | Electrode |
EP | Elemento Publicitario | Marketing element |
EPM | Elemento Publicitario Multiple | Multiple Marketing Element |
EQU | Equipo | Equipment |
ESC | Escritorio | Desk |
ETI | Etiqueta | Sticker |
FAR | Fardos | Bales |
FPK | Four Pack | Four Pack |
FR | Frasco | Jar |
FRA | Frasco | Jar |
FRD | Fardo | Bales |
FT | Pie | Foot |
FT3 | Pie Cúbico | Cubic Foot |
FUE | Fuente | Fountain |
GAL | Galon | Gallon |
GAV | Galon | Gallon |
GLO | Gloves | Gloves |
GLS | Galon | Gallon |
GR | Gramo | Gram |
GRM | Gramo | Gram |
GRS | Gruesa | Gross |
GW | Giga Watts | Giga Watts |
HIL | Hilo | Thread |
HOJ | Hoja | Sheet |
HOR | Hora | Hour |
IMP | Impresora | Printer |
IN | Pulgada | Inch |
HIL | Hilo | Thread |
INC | Incubadora | Incubator |
JER | Jeringa | Syringe |
JGO | Juego | Set |
JMB | Jumbo | Jumbo Bag / Sack |
JUE | Juego | Set |
KG | Kilogramo | Kilogramo |
KGM | Kilogramo | Kilogramo |
KGS | Kilogramos | Kilograms |
KIT | Kit | Kit |
KLM | Kilogramos | Kilograms |
KM2 | Kilometro Cuadraro | Square Kilometers |
KMR | Kilometro Recorrido | Kilometers Travelled |
KV | Kilo Voltios | Kilovolts |
KVA | Kilo Voltios Amperios | Kilovolt Amps |
KW | Kilo Watt | Kilowatt |
KWH | Kilo Watt Hora | Kilowatt Hour |
LAN | Lanceta | Lancet |
LAP | Laptop | Laptop |
LB | Libra | Pound |
LBE | Libra Española | Spanish Pound |
LBS | Libras | Pounds |
LEC | Lector | Reader |
LIE | Lienzo | Canvas |
LIT | Literatura | Literature |
LMT | Toneladas Metricas Liquidas | Liquid Metric Tons |
LT | Litro | Liter |
LTA | Lata | Can |
LTR | Litros | Liters |
LTS | Litros | Liters |
M | Metro | Meter |
M2 | Metro Cuadrado | Square Meter |
M3 | Metro Cubico | Cubic Meter |
MDO | Mano de Obra | Labor |
MED | Medio Kit | Half Kit |
MEM | Memoria | Memory |
MDO | Mano de Obra | Labor |
MES | Mes | Month |
MIL | Millar | Thousand count |
MIN | Mini Mouse | Mini Mouse |
ML | Mililitro | Mililiter |
MLL | Millar | Thousand count |
MLT | Mililitros | Mililiters |
MM | Milimetro | Milimeters |
MOC | Mochila | Backpack |
MON | Monitor | Monitors |
MOU | Mouse | Mouse |
MT | Metro Lineal | Linear Meter |
MT2 | Metro Cuadrado | Square Meter |
MT3 | Metros Cubicos | Cubic Meters |
MM | Milimetro | Milimeters |
MM | Milimetro | Milimeters |
MTL | Metros Lineales | Linear Meters |
MTR | Metro | Meter |
MTS | Metros | Meters |
MVA | Mega Voltios Amperios | Mega Volt Amps |
MW | Megawatts | Megawatts |
MWH | Megawatt-hora | Megawatt-hour |
N/A | No Applica | Not Applicable |
OCT | Octavo | Eigth |
ONZ | Onza | Ounce |
OZ | Onza | Ounce |
P2 | Pie Cuadrado | Square Foot |
PAN | Patch Panel | Patch Panel |
PAQ | Paquete | Package |
PAR | Pares | Pairs |
PCK | Pack | Pack |
PIE | Pies | Feet |
PIP | Pipeta | Pipette |
PLA | Planchas | Sheet |
PLC | Placa | Plate |
PLG | Pliego | Sheet |
PLT | Plato | Plate |
PMO | Pomo | Jar |
POR | Porción | Portion |
PAQ | Paquete | Package |
PR | Par | Pair |
PRD | Periodo | Period |
PRO | Procesador | Processor |
PRU | Prueba | Test |
PUL | Pulgadas | Inches |
PZA | Pieza | Piece |
QIT | Quintal | Hundredweight |
QNL | Quintal | Hundredweight |
Quintal | Hundredweight | |
QQS | Quintales | Hundredweights |
QT | Cuarto de Galon | Quart |
R87 | R87 | R87 |
RAC | Racimos | Bunches or Racemes |
REP | Repuesto | Spare part |
RES | Resmas | Reams |
RL | Rollo | Roll |
RLL | Rollo | Roll |
RLS | Rollos | Rolls |
RM | Resma | Ream |
SAC | Saco | Sack |
SBR | Sobre | Envelope, Sachet or Packet |
SCO | Saco | Sack |
SEM | Lite | Lite |
SER | Servicio | Service |
SET | Juego | Set |
SOB | Sobre | Envelope, Sachet or Packet |
ST | Unidades | Units |
SWI | Switch | Switch |
SX | Saco | Sack |
TAM | Tambor | Drum |
TAR | Tarea | Tarea (Land area unit) |
TE | Toneladas Españolas | Spanish tonnes |
TEC | Teclado | Keyboard |
THS | Miles | Thousands |
TIR | Tira | Strip |
TM | Toneladas Metricas | Metric Tonnes |
TND | Tonelada | Ton |
TNL | Tonel | Barrel |
TON | Tonelada | Ton |
TPK | CTWO Pack | CTWO Pack |
TSA | Tiesa | Stiff |
TUB | Tubo | Pipe or Tube |
UN | Unidad | Unit |
UND | Unidad | Unit |
UNI | Unidad | Unit |
UP | Up | Up |
UPS | Ups | Ups |
VAS | Vaso | Glass or Vessel |
VEH | Vehiculo | Vehicle |
YD | Yarda | Yard |
YD2 | Yarda Cuadrada | Square Yard |
YDS | Yardas | Yardas |