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SimpleSAMLphp related utility classes


This project includes utilities that are used by ssp-base

It provides business logic that determines which simplesamlphp Identity Providers can be used for authentication by a certain SP.

It also provides a utility that will gather together remote metadata from a folder and its sub-folders to be used by a saml20-*-remote.php file.

It includes unit tests that can be run from the /data folder via $ vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit tests. These should provide insight into what the utilities do in practice.

Editing IdP Business Logic

There are several ways to limit which IdP's can be used for authentication by a certain SP. (These are provided by Utils.php::isIdpValidForSp which is called by the DiscoUtils.php::getIdpsForSp method.)

  1. If an IDP's entry in the saml20-idp-remote.php file includes a 'SPList' entry (as an array), then only the SP's which have an entity id listed in that array will be permissible.

  2. If an IDP's entry in the saml20-idp-remote.php file includes an 'excludeByDefault' entry set to True, then only the SP's which include the IdP's entity id in their 'IDPList' entry will be permissible.

  3. If an SP's entry in the saml20-sp-remote.php file includes an 'IDPList' entry (as an array), then only the IdP's which have an entity id listed in that array will be permissible.

Metadata Utilities

The metadata.php file includes utilities that pull in metadata from all the files named idp-.php and sp-.php respectively, including those in sub-folders.