This driver contains the Memory-based configuration driver for Silkscreen CMS.
To enable this driver, place it in the drivers
directory in the root of the
Silkscreen CMS site or in the sites/[yoursite]/drivers directory. Memory-based
configuration pools can be specified with mem:<variable_name>
is a key in the $settings['config']
For example:
// Define a memory-based config object reading from mem_config.
$config_directories['active'] = 'mem:mem_config';
// Create some memory configurations.
$settings['config']['mem_config'] = array(
'system.core' => array(
'site_name' => 'My Site Name',
This will define a memory configuration object with only site_name
This configuration tool is most often used with the Layered configuration driver.
This project is GPL v2 software. See the LICENSE.txt file in this directory for complete text.
- John Franklin (