Install heka stream processing software.
Heka will be installed to /opt/heka-{{ heka_version }}
This path is available in variable {{ heka_install_dir }}
: Configure Heka Version (default:0.10.0b1
: Where to store hekad configuration files (default:/etc/hekad.d
: hekad configuration max message loops (default:4
: hekad configuration max process inject (default:1
: hekad configuration max process duration (default:100000
: hekad configuration max timer inject (default:10
: hekad configuration maxprocs (default:2
: hekad configuration poolsize (default:100
: hekad configuration plugin chansize (default:50
: hekad configuration sample denominator (default:1000
: hekad configuration base directory (default:/var/cached/hekad
: hekad configuration share directory (default:{{ heka_install_dir }}/share/heka
: hekad configuration enable CPU profiling (default:false
: hekad configuration enable MEM profiling (default:false
: hekad configuration PID file (default:/var/run/
: Whether to allow the handlers to automatically restart heka (default:false
: Configure template to use for configuring the hekad service for Systemd (default:service_systemd.j2
: Configure template to use for configuring the hekad service for SysV (default:service_sysvinit.j2
: Configure template to use for configuring the hekad service for Upstart (default:service_upstart.j2
: Configure to force reinstall. On default it will only install if not exists or if Version is updated (default:false
: List of heka tasks (default: [])
- file: "logging"
section: "NginxAccessLogs"
- option: "type"
value: "\"LogstreamerInput\""
- option: "splitter"
value: "\"TokenSplitter\""
- option: "decoder"
value: "\"NginxAccessDecoder\""
- option: "log_directory"
value: "\"/srv/sites/magento/log/nginx\""
- option: "file_match"
value: "\'access\.log\'"
- file: "logging"
section: "NginxAccessDecoder"
- option: "type"
value: "\"SandboxDecoder\""
- option: "script_type"
value: "\"lua\""
- option: "filename"
value: "\"lua_decoders/nginx_access.lua\""
- file: "logging"
section: "NginxAccessDecoder.config"
- option: "log_format"
value: "\'$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] \"$request\" $status $body_bytes_sent \"$http_referer\" \"$http_user_agent\"\'"
- option: "type"
value: "\"nginx.access\""
: List of heka plugin files to copy
- src: "files/heka/linux_diskusage.lua"
dest: "{{ heka_install_dir }}/share/heka/lua_decoders/linux_diskusage.lua"
This role depends on groover.util
role. This is configured
for ansible-galaxy install
in requirements.yml.
NOTE: Requirements are installed as virtual user silpion
Be sure to install required roles with
ansible-galaxy install --role-file requirements.yml
- hosts: servers
- { role: ansible-heka }
Apache Version 2.0
This role provides integration tests using the Ruby RSpec/serverspec framework with a few drawbacks at the time of writing this documentation.
- Currently supports ansible_os_family == 'Debian' only.
Running integration tests requires a number of dependencies being installed. As this role uses Ruby RSpec there is the need to have Ruby with rake and bundler available.
# install role specific dependencies with bundler
bundle install
# run the complete test suite with Docker
rake suite
# run the complete test suite with Vagrant
Mark Kusch @mark.kusch