- Python version: > 2.4
- s4cmd (or s3cmd)
Install Python for Mac OS X. Follow the instructions here.
Install GDAL for Mac OS X. Follow the instructions here.
Install s4cmd: pip install s4cmd - Follow the instructions here.
Do not forget to set the S3_ACCESS_KEY and S3_SECRET_KEY environment variables to contain your S3 credentials.
Download Images from digitalglobe or
Get the bbox and select a featureid from the WFS service as an identifier
https://services.digitalglobe.com/catalogservice/wfsaccess?SERVICE=WFS&REQUEST=GetFeature&maxFeatures=1&typeName=DigitalGlobe:FinishedFeature&VERSION=1.1.1&CONNECTID=<CONNECTID>&BBOX=<Your coordinates>&width=3000&height=3000
Next you will put the identifier for getCovertures from the WCS service.
gdal2tiles.py -z 1-18 image_file_name.tif [target folder]
s4cmd.py sync /path_to/dirA s3://bucket/path_to/dirB/