Based off Paul Irish's dotfiles, which are great. These are adapted to my needs.
- Install homebrew first, it will install XCode dev tools to get
and so on:/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
- Add SSH keys to Github
Some applications are worth installing manually since a Brew install will mess with future updates:
- Browsers
- Slack
- VSCode
- Spotify
- Hyper
- BeardedSpice for media controls
fork this to your own acct
clone that repo
with user settings[user] useConfigOnly = true email = <email> name = <name> [credential] helper = osxkeychain
read and run parts of
use it. yay!
- Mac OSX default settings (Paul Irish's)
- homebrew apps:
- git
- jq
- z
- bat
- homebrew cask
- rectangle for window management
- iterm2
- insomna (better Postman)
- oh-my-zsh
- git
- history substring search
- autosuggestions
- syntax highlighting on terminal commands
- z
- functions:
: create directory andcd
into it
Steps to migrate from another computer.
- Copy