is a Python package for inferring historical demographies
(specifically, population sizes, gene flow, and split times) from
sequence data. It is an implementation of the Generalised
isolation-with-migration (GIM) model of Costa & Wilkinson-Herbots
(2021). Please cite their paper if you use DISMaL
in published work:
Rui J. Costa, Hilde M. Wilkinson-Herbots (2021). Inference of gene flow in the process of speciation: Efficient maximum-likelihood implementation of a generalised isolation-with-migration model. Theoretical Population Biology 140:1-15. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tpb.2021.03.001.
Documentation is hosted on ReadTheDocs: https://dismal.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
Install latest full release with Pip: pip install dismal
Or the development version from GitHub: pip install git+https://github.com/simonharnqvist/DISMaL.git#egg=dismal