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DEX Command Types

alice pellerin edited this page Feb 2, 2024 · 1 revision

Unknown arguments are listed as _.

Type Name Arguments
1 dialogue dialogue
7 spawn character, _, x, y, _
14 despawn character
20 fade out frame count
21 fade in frame count
32 unowned dialogue dialogue
34 turn to character, angle
35 turn to character, angle, frame count, _
36 turn towards character, character, frame count, _
37 turn to character, angle, frame count, _
38 turn towards character, target character, _, frame count, _
43 move to character, x, y, frame count, _
45 move by character, relative x, relative y, frame count, _
56 delay frame count
58 clean _, fossil
59 clean _, fossil
61 angle camera fov, x rotation, y rotation, target distance, frame count, _
117 start music id
124 fade music frame count
125 play sound id
129 character effect character, effect
131 clear effects character
135 character movement character, movement
144 dialogue choice dialogue, _, dialogue choices
154 image fade out frame count, _
155 image slide in image, _, frame count, _
157 image fade in image, _, frame count, _
191 revive vivosaur
200 start turning character, target character
201 stop turning character
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