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Folder contents

  • oep-wy: codes for OEP and dataset generation
  • nn-train: codes to train and test a NN model
  • xcnn: codes to perform KS-DFT/NN using trained NN model as an xc function


An example is provided in folder example. 11 $\rm H_2$ and 11 $\rm HeH^+$ molecules are used.

  • OEP: python
  • Generate dataset: python
  • Training: python
  • Testing: python (only to check training progress, different from KS-SCF/NN)
  • KS-SCF/NN: python

The model obtained from training can be used in KS-DFT/NN. A pre-trained model is also provided in example/xcnn/saved_model/H2-HeH+_CNN_GGA_1_0.504-0.896-0.008_HFX_ll_0.9_9.dat.


OEP and Dataset


Key Value Note
InputDensity none Density matrix in ndarray format. Will compute a CCSD 1-rdm if none is given.
Structure structure/H2/d0500.str
OrbitalBasis aug-cc-pvqz
PotentialBasis aug-cc-pvqz
ReferencePotential hfx Coulomb matrix and Hartree-Fock Exchange matrix
PotentialCoefficientInit zeros Can use a txt or ndarray file
CheckPointPath oep-wy/chk/H2/d0500
ConvergenceCriterion 1.e-12 Stop criterion of Newton optimization procedure.
SVDCutoff 5.e-6 Cutoff for truncated SVD
LambdaRegulation 0 Lambda value for regulation to get smooth potential. Used for multiple electrons system.
ZeroForceConstrain false It seems not a good choice to use zero force constrain during optimization
RealSpaceAnalysis true Output density difference between input and output density in real space


Key Value Note
MeshLevel 3
CubeLength 0.9 in Bohr
CubePoint 9 number of discrete points
OutputPath oep-wy/dataset/H2
OutputName d0500
Symmetric xz Transform $(x, y, z)$ to $(\sqrt{x^2 + y^2}, 0, z)$ and keep only unique points

Training and Testing



Key Value Note
prefix nn-train
log_path %(prefix)s/train/train.log
verbose False
data_path %(prefix)s/dataset/H2-HeH+_0.9_9.npy
model CNN_GGA_1_zsym The models with and without _zsym suffix have same architecture and only differ in output. See nn-train/ and nn-train/
model_save_path %(prefix)s/train/model_chk/H2-HeH+_0.9_0_CNN_GGA_1.dat
batch_size 200
max_epoch 200000
learning_rate 5e-3
loss_function MSELoss_zsym
optimiser SGD
train_set_size 78800
validate_set_size 19600
enable_cuda True
constrain zsym Needs to be zsym to use model and loss function with _zsym suffix


Key Value Note
prefix nn-train
log_path %(prefix)s/test/H2/d0500/test.log
verbose False
data_path %(prefix)s/dataset/H2/d0500.npy
model CNN_GGA_1
restart %(prefix)s/train/model_chk/H2-HeH+_0.9_0_CNN_GGA_1.dat.restart10000
batch_size 1
loss_function MSELoss
optimiser SGD
test_set_size 4920
enable_cuda True
output_path %(prefix)s/test/H2/d0500
constrain none



Key Value Note
Verbose True
CheckPointPath xcnn/chk/H2/d0500
EnableCuda True
Structure structure/H2/d0500.str
OrbitalBasis aug-cc-pVQZ
ReferencePotential hfx Should be same as the one used in OEP
Model cnn_gga_1
ModelPath xcnn/saved_model/H2-HeH+_0.9_0_CNN_GGA_1.dat.restart10000
MeshLevel 3 Should be same as the one used in training
CubeLength 0.9 Should be same as the one used in training
CubePoint 9 Should be same as the one used in training
Symmetric xz+ Similar to xz but keep only $z>0$ part. Only for $\rm H_2$
InitDensityMatrix rks Used in combination with next row to setup initial density matrix for KS-SCF/NN
xcFunctional b3lypg Follow PySCF's convention. In PySCF, b3lyp is different from b3lypg and the latter refers to conventional B3LYP functional.
ConvergenceCriterion 1.e-6 For SCF procedure
MaxIteration 99
ZeroForceConstrain True Typically enabled to keep zero force condition.


  • numpy
  • scipy
  • tqdm
  • ConfigParser/configparser
  • PyTorch with CUDA support
  • PySCF > 1.5

Note on PySCF

A customised version of libcint is used to support extra Gaussian integrals. Therefore PySCF installed using pip/conda/docker will fail and you may have to compile it from source code. A straight workaround is described below (maybe not that efficient):

  1. Download PySCF source code and follow its procedure to compile core module.
  2. Go to pyscf/lib/build/deps/src/libcint, where the source code of libcint is placed.
  3. Open scripts/ and add the following two lines to the last gen-cint block:
  '("int3c1e_ovlp"              ( \, \, ))
  '("int3c1e_ipovlp"            (nabla \, \, ))
  1. Follow the instructions at Generating integrals in README of libcint library to generate new codes and place them accordingly. I choose to NOT update libcint here.
  2. Go back to pyscf/lib/build where the command to compile PySCF core module is executed. Run make again and the libcint library will be updated.
  3. Open pyscf/gto/ and add the following two lines to _INTOR_FUNCTIONS
    'int3c1e_ovlp'              : (1, 1),
    'int3c1e_ipovlp'            : (3, 3),
  1. Done


My own oep-wy-xcnn






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  • Python 100.0%