BepInExConfigManager Public archive
In-game UI for managing BepInEx plugin configurations, with IL2CPP and Mono support.
UniverseLib Public archive
A library for making plugins which target IL2CPP and Mono Unity games.
UnityExplorer Public archive
An in-game UI for exploring, debugging and modifying IL2CPP and Mono Unity games.
mcs-unity Public archive
Forked from ghorsington/mcs-unityMono.CSharp with edits for Unity modding
UniverseLib.Analyzers Public archive
Analyzers for using UniverseLib and avoiding common mistakes when making universal Unity mods and tools.
BepInEx-Partiality-Wrapper Public archive
Forked from notfood/BepInEx.Partiality.LoaderPlugin to allow Partiality mods to run in BepInEx.