An R package for the visualization of aligned ms2 chromatograms.
To install this package, follow these commands:
## Check if devtools is available, else install it and load it
if(!require("devtools")) install.packages("devtools")
## Install BiocManager, BiocInstaller, zlibbioc, Rhdf5lib and mzR if not installed.
## *Note*: If you're using windows, you may have to restart your r session after each Bioconductor package install.
## There may be times when BiocManager or one of the packages installed from BiocManager is not recognized as being installed until refreshing R's lib list.
if(!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager")
if(!require("BiocInstaller")) BiocManager::install("BiocInstaller")
if(!require("zlibbioc")) BiocManager::install("zlibbioc")
if(!require("Rhdf5lib")) BiocManager::install("Rhdf5lib")
if(!require("mzR")) BiocManager::install("mzR", suppressUpdates = TRUE)
## Use install_github to install necessary packages to run DrawAlignR
install_github("Roestlab/DrawAlignR", build_vignettes=FALSE, dependencies=TRUE, type="source")
Illustration of general overview:
DrawAlignR has been dockerized, and the latest image can be found at: singjust/drawalignr
You first need to ensure you have docker installed.
docker pull singjust/drawalignr:latest
docker run --name=drawalignr --user shiny --rm -v `pwd`:/data/ -p 3838:3838 singjust/drawalignr
- --name: assigns name to the container. Not necessary, but useful for reference
- --user: username to run image as
- --rm: automatically removes container when exited
- -v: allows you to mount a local volume to mounting point in container. In the example above, the local working directory (
) will be mounted to /data/ in the container.pwd
- -p: specify the port from container to connect to local port.
- singjust/drawalignr: this is the docker image to run.
For more information, and for other flags, see docker run
To view the tool, open a web browser and go to localhost:3838
The docker image also contains a sample test dataset, located at the following directory:
For example useage of DrawAlignR, see our tutorial vignette:, under the DrawAlignR User Manual section.
## Load DrawAlignR
## Run the app
DrawAlignR expects extracted ion chromatogram data and feature (peak-group) scoring data, which is generated/extracted from upstream workflows using OpenMS, OpenSWATH and Pyprophet. Please see for detailed instructions of expected input data, and the upstream workflows, under Data Preparation section.
We have example datasets hosted on PeptideAtalas PASS01520
Please see, for instructions on how to download the tutorial dataset, under Download Tutorial Dataset section.
Gupta, S., Sing, J., Mahmoodi, A., & Röst, H. (2020). DrawAlignR: An interactive tool for across run chromatogram alignment visualization. BioRxiv.
Gupta S, Ahadi S, Zhou W, Röst H. "DIAlignR Provides Precise Retention Time Alignment Across Distant Runs in DIA and Targeted Proteomics." Mol Cell Proteomics. 2019 Apr;18(4):806-817. doi: Epub 2019 Jan 31.