This is a tutorial for retraining a mobilenet(or other neural network models) using tensorflow hub and deploying the retrained model on android using TFLite.
- windows 10
- python 3.6
- pip install tensorflow>=1.9
- pip install tensorflow-hub
- pip install google_image_download
Google_image_download tutorial repo on github
The images of train dataset should be put in different folders which the folder names are image labels.
For example:
My training dataset for building a Echeveria succulents
\Echeveria chihuahuaensis
\Echeveria colorata
\Echeveria momotaro
\Echeveria monroe
\Not Echeveria
I downloaded some random pictures in "Not Echeveria" folder to classify other objects.
First we git clone the tensorflow-hub repo.
git clone
cd hub\examples\image_retraining
Start your retraining steps by executing following command:
python \
--image_dir /succulent_echeveria \
--output_graph /result/output_graph.pb \
--intermediate_output_graphs_dir /result/intermediate_result \
--intermediate_store_frequency 1000 \
--output_labels /result/output_labels.txt \
--summaries_dir /result/retrain_logs \
--how_many_training_steps 4000 \
--learning_rate 0.01 \
--testing_percentage 10 \
--validation_percentage 10 \
--eval_step_interval 10 \
--train_batch_size 100 \
--test_batch_size -1 \
--validation_batch_size 100 \
--bottleneck_dir /result/bottleneck \
--final_tensor_name final_result \
--flip_left_right False \
--random_crop 0 \
--random_scale 0 \
--random_brightness 0 \
--tfhub_module \
You can try different hyperparameters or add some random modification to the images in order to get a more robust model.
You can find different pre-build tfhub_module at, simply the model you like and copy the url to tfhub_module.
Start a Linux virtual machine, install tensorflow and necessary dependency, and transfer the trained model to virtual machine, the toco command used in google codelab didn't work for me for some reason. Instead tflite_convert works fine. run:
tflite_convert --output_file=output_model_path/converted_model.tflite
--input_arrays=Placeholder --output_arrays=final_result
Install android studio, and clone the google codelab repository,
git clone
cd tensorflow-for-poets-2
Copy and paste the converted_model.tflite and output_labels.txt to ensorflow-for-poets-2-master\android\tflite\app\src\main\assets , rename the model to graph.lite and the output_labels.txt to labels.txt.
Connect to a android device with version >= android 5.x (lollipop), activate "developer mode" and "USB Debugging". Build the app and the result should look like this: