G-Earth 1.3 (Unity beta)
This is a beta release of G-Earth 1.3.
- !!!! A chrome extension "G-Chrome" will need to be installed to use the Unity client with G-Earth, this extension doesn't require any interaction, so you can basically ignore it. Add to Chrome from here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/g-chrome/cdjgbghobmfmfcenhoahgfnfpcadddag !!!!
- This release supports both Flash and Unity, if you're using it for Unity, you don't need to run it as admin. You need to select your client type in the "extra" tab (default: unity)
- Packet expressions are slightly changed and now include "Long" and "Short" data types
- You will be able to close G-Earth 1.3 without losing connection with habbo
Join the G-Earth Discord server for support