Releases: sirjonasxx/G-Earth
G-Earth 1.3 (Unity beta)
This is a beta release of G-Earth 1.3.
- !!!! A chrome extension "G-Chrome" will need to be installed to use the Unity client with G-Earth, this extension doesn't require any interaction, so you can basically ignore it. Add to Chrome from here: !!!!
- This release supports both Flash and Unity, if you're using it for Unity, you don't need to run it as admin. You need to select your client type in the "extra" tab (default: unity)
- Packet expressions are slightly changed and now include "Long" and "Short" data types
- You will be able to close G-Earth 1.3 without losing connection with habbo
Join the G-Earth Discord server for support
G-Earth 1.2
G-Earth 1.2 comes with:
- A python console for writing scripts on the fly! (read more about G-Python integration)
- Needs to be enabled in the "Extra" tab
- Based on the G-Python extension interface
- Bug fixes and updated information
Join the G-Earth Discord server
(G-Earth 1.3 will be anime edition, promise 🤞)
G-Earth 1.1
G-Earth 1.1 comes with
- Raw IP support for retro hotels
- Support for more retro hotels
- SOCKS proxy support
- Reimplementation of extensions (interface doesn't change)
- Reimplementation of expression prediction
- Multiple bug fixes
- Code refactor
G-Earth 1.0
Habbo packet logger & manipulator for Windows, Linux and Mac.
- Requires Java 8
Windows execution
Double click G-Earth.exe, which will be delivered in the release. Note that executing G-Earth requires admin privileges.
Linux execution
Execution command (temporary, verified in Ubuntu):
$ sudo java -jar G-Earth.jar
Additionally, you can add the -t flag to log the packets in your terminal instead of opening a new window for it.
Mac execution
- Log outgoing and incoming packets
- Injection, both sides
- Blocking & replacing packets functionality
- Packet expressions
- Encoding/decoding
- Auto detect hotel
- Retro support - enter game host & port manually (only the first time)
- Advanced scheduler
- Advanced extension support
- 2 included extensions on-release
Interested in creating an extension?
- If you're not experienced with Java but have written extensions before in C#, you could have a look at
- If you are experienced with Java, read this wiki page carefully:
G-Earth 0.2.2
Habbo packet logger & manipulator for Windows, Linux and Mac.
- Requires Java 8
Windows execution
Double click G-Earth.exe, which will be delivered in the release. Note that executing G-Earth requires admin privileges.
Linux execution
Execution command (temporary, verified in Ubuntu):
$ sudo java -jar G-Earth.jar
Additionally, you can add the -t flag to log the packets in your terminal instead of opening a new window for it.
Mac execution
G-Earth comes with 2 default extensions, one for replacing/blocking packets and one for granting admin privileges.
Want to develop your own extensions? Check
G-Earth 0.2.1
Habbo packet logger & manipulator for Windows, Linux and Mac.
If you're on a 32bit Windows device, please read #16
- Requires Java 8
Windows execution
Double click G-Earth.exe, which will be delivered in the release. Note that executing G-Earth requires admin privileges.
Linux execution
Execution command (temporary, verified in Ubuntu):
$ sudo java -jar G-Earth.jar
Additionally, you can add the -t flag to log the packets in your terminal instead of opening a new window for it.
Mac execution
G-Earth comes with 2 default extensions, one for replacing/blocking packets and one for granting admin privileges.
Want to develop your own extensions? Check
Beta linux release - hotfix 2
Temporary pre-release of G-Earth 0.2 due to Habbo updates.
Full release soon!
Beta linux release - hotfix 1
Functional packetlogger for Linux.
Execution command:
$ sudo java -jar G-Earth.jar
Execute this command if you get the following error:
Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keyInvalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keyException
$ xhost +local:
- Extensions cannot be installed through G-Earth yet, however you can execute extensions manually.
- Extension examples are included in the source code under main/extensions/examples/
- Reason for hotfix -> implemented support for encryption on incoming packets, used in since 19/09/2018
Beta linux release
Functional packetlogger for Linux.
Execution command (verified in Ubuntu):
$ sudo -E java -jar G-Earth.jar
Execute this command if you get the following error:
Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keyInvalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keyException
$ xhost +local:
- Extensions cannot be installed through G-Earth yet, however you can execute extensions manually.
- Extension exampled are included in the source code under main/extensions/examples/