ODB (Object Database) ODBMS (Object Database manager system) for java
No oficial repository for NeoDatis http://neodatis.wikidot.com/start 1.9.x branch
NeoDatis ODB/ODBMS is a very simple Object Database that currently runs on the Java, .Net, Google Android, Groovy and Scala
To avoid Impedance mismatch overhead between Object and Relational worlds, give a try to Neodatis ODB. NeoDatis ODB is a new generation Object Database: a real native and transparent persistence layer for Java, .Net and Mono.
Object because the basic persistent unit is an object, not a table. Native & Transparent because it directly persists objects the way they exist in the native programming language, without any conversion. Using NeoDatis ODB as your persistence layer will let you focus on your business logic allowing storing and retrieving native objects in a single line of code. No more Relational to Object mapping is necessary, NeoDatis ODB just persists objects the way they are, no matter their complexity.
Sample code
// Create the instance be stored
Sport sport = new Sport("volley-ball");
// Open the database
ODB odb = ODBFactory.open("test.neodatis");
// Store the object
// Close ODB
// Open the database
ODB odb = ODBFactory.open("test.neodatis");
// Retrieve objects using Generics
Objects<Player> players = odb.getObjects(Player.class);
// Close ODB
More samples on https://github.com/sirlordt/NeoDatis-Examples
Excelent project