Code to replicate results in, "Generative Interpretable Visual Design: Using Disentanglement for Visual Conjoint Analysis."
If you find this work useful, please use the following citation information in plaintext or BibTeX format:
Sisodia, A, Burnap, A, and Kumar, V (2024). Generative Interpretable Visual Design: Using Disentanglement for Visual Conjoint Analysis. Journal of Marketing Research (Accepted).
title= Generative Interpretable Visual Design: Using Disentanglement for Visual Conjoint Analysis},
author={Sisodia, Ankit and Burnap, Alex and Kumar, Vineet},
journal={Journal of Marketing Research},
publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA},
This code will reproduce Figures (5, 6, 10, 12, G.1, G.2) and Tables (2, 6, 7, D.1, E.1, F.1) of the paper.
This codebase was built using the Pytorch neural net framework. However, it also depends on over 100 other Python packages, as well as GPU libraries including CUDA runtimes and cuDNN kernel support. We can not guarantee this code will run and replicate unless the same environment and library versions are used. To install these packages (including the same library versions), please use the following:
conda env create -f disentanglement_env.yml
To download the dataset, please contact the authors. Copy the data files to ./hyperparameter_selection/data/watches/
and ./post_model_search/data/watches/
Go to ./hyperparameter_selection
and run disentanglement model with a unique
For example, in the below command, the seed is set to 1, brand_s1
python --sup_signal brand -s 1 --name brand_s1 --btcvae-B 18 --btcvae-M 50
In the above command, seed,
The above command will create a directory results/<model-name>/
which will contain:
- The model at the end of training.
- specs.json: The parameters used to run the program (default and modified with CLI).
- train_losses.csv: All (sub-)losses computed during training on the train and validation dataset.
- test_losses.log: All (sub-)losses computed at the end of training on the test1 and test2 dataset.
- filename_test1.csv: filenames of all watches in the test1 dataset.
- filename_test2.csv: filenames of all watches in the test2 dataset.
- filename_train.csv: filenames of all watches in the train dataset.
- mean_params_test1.csv: mean visual characteristics of all watches in the test1 dataset.
- mean_params_test2.csv: mean visual characteristics of all watches in the test2 dataset.
- mean_params_train.csv: mean visual characteristics of all watches in the train dataset.
Select the value of sup_loss_test
in the first json object in the filename ending in test_losses.log
in the directory results/<model-name>/
for each combination of seed,
Go to ./post_model_search
and run disentanglement model at the optimal
For the watch dataset, execute the commands listed in execute_step2.txt
to use the values listed in the paper. For example, execute the following command:
python --sup_signal brand_circa_movement -s 10 --name brand_circa_movement_s10 --btcvae-B 50 --btcvae-M 1
The above command will create a directory results/brand_circa_movement_s10/
which will contain:
- The model at the end of training.
- specs.json: The parameters used to run the program (default and modified with CLI).
- train_losses.csv: All (sub-)losses computed during training on the train and validation dataset.
- test_losses.log: All (sub-)losses computed at the end of training on the test1 and test2 dataset.
- brand_circa_movement_s10_filename_test1.csv: filenames of all watches in the test1 dataset.
- brand_circa_movement_s10_filename_test2.csv: filenames of all watches in the test2 dataset.
- brand_circa_movement_s10_filename_train.csv.csv: filenames of all watches in the train dataset.
- brand_circa_movement_s10_mean_params_test1.csv: mean visual characteristics of all watches in the test1 dataset.
- brand_circa_movement_s10_mean_params_test2.csv: mean visual characteristics of all watches in the test2 dataset.
- brand_circa_movement_s10_mean_params_train.csv: mean visual characteristics of all watches in the train dataset.
python --name brand_circa_movement_s10
The above command will create brand_circa_movement_s10_posterior_traversals.png (Figure 5 and Figure G1a) in results/brand_circa_movement_s10/
python --name circa_s10
The above command will create circa_s10_posterior_traversals.png (Figure G1b) in results/circa_s10/
python --name unsupervised_s10
The above command will create unsupervised_s10_posterior_traversals.png (Figure G1c) in results/unsupervised_s10/
python --name ae_s10
The above command will create ae_s10_posterior_traversals.png (Figure G2a) in results/ae_s10/
python --name vae_s10
The above command will create vae_s10_posterior_traversals.png: (Figure G2b) in results/vae_s10/
Copy the files stored in results/<model_name>/
directory with the filename ending in mean_params_test2.csv
to the calculate_udr
Go to ./calculate_udr
to compare the UDRs for different supervisory signals. Switch to an R environment and execute the Rscript udr_calculation.R
with the supervisory signal as the argument. For example:
Rscript udr_calculation.R --sup_signal='brand'
The results will be appended to filenamed udr.log
. It will replicate results in Table F.1 of the paper.
Go to ./r_script
. Switch to an R environment and execute the Rscript replication_script.Rmd
to produce Table 2, D.1, E.1 and Figure 6 of the paper.
See the directory /conjoint_analysis_and_ideal_point_design
for an example ipython notebook for running the hiearachical Bayeisan estimation and produce Table 6-7 and Figure 10-12 in the paper.
Note that generating the ideal point design requires inputting the "ideal point" embedding values into the generative model from the disentanglement portion of this codebase. This is applicable for Figure 11. Modify the torch tensor in the save_cbc_images
function in the ./post_model_search/utils/
file to save the ideal point watch image.
./ README file
./disentanglement_env.yml: Environment File
./calculate_udr/udr.log: Sample Output of udr_calculation.R
./calculate_udr/udr_calculation.R: Script to Calculate UDR
./calculate_udr/*mean_params_test2.csv: mean visual characteristics of all watches in the test2 dataset.
./conjoint_analysis_and_ideal_point_design/conjoint_analysis_benchmark_models/ Data Generation for Conjoint
./conjoint_analysis_and_ideal_point_design/conjoint_analysis_benchmark_models/ Prediction Models
./conjoint_analysis_and_ideal_point_design/conjoint_analysis_benchmark_models/requirements_benchmark_models.yml: Environment File
./conjoint_analysis_and_ideal_point_design/conjoint_analysis_benchmark_models/ Watch Prediction Training Functions
./conjoint_analysis_and_ideal_point_design/data_conjointanalysis/CBCwatchexercise_simple_responses_generated.csv: Conjoint Survey Response CSV File
./conjoint_analysis_and_ideal_point_design/data_conjointanalysis/conj_gen_file_mapping_AnkitThresholds.csv: CSV file to map to actual visual characteristic quantified levels
./conjoint_analysis_and_ideal_point_design/data_conjointanalysis/FullConjointData_generated_mapped_variables.csv: Conjoint Survey Raw File
./conjoint_analysis_and_ideal_point_design/data_conjointanalysis/disentanglement_example.png: Disentanglement Example
./conjoint_analysis_and_ideal_point_design/Example_Python_Notebook_with_Results_and_Plots.ipynb: Conjoint Interactive Python Notebook
./conjoint_analysis_and_ideal_point_design/ Data Generation for Conjoint
./conjoint_analysis_and_ideal_point_design/HB_conjoint_requirements.yml: Environment File
./conjoint_analysis_and_ideal_point_design/ Hierarchical Bayesian Conjoint Prediction File
./hyperparameter_selection/__pycache__/*: bytecode cache files automatically generated by python
./hyperparameter_selection/data/watches/christies.npz: Training Data
./hyperparameter_selection/data/watches/christies_test1.npz: Test1 Data
./hyperparameter_selection/data/watches/christies_test2.npz: Test2 Data
./hyperparameter_selection/dataset/__pycache__/*: bytecode cache files automatically generated by python
./hyperparameter_selection/dataset/ for processing data
./hyperparameter_selection/models/__pycache__/*: bytecode cache files automatically generated by python
./hyperparameter_selection/models/ initializing the neural network
./hyperparameter_selection/models/ computing the neural network losses
./hyperparameter_selection/models/ helper file with useful math functions
./hyperparameter_selection/models/ helper file for reading/writing model
./hyperparameter_selection/models/ supervised layer
./hyperparameter_selection/models/ code for setting up the VAE
./hyperparameter_selection/training/__pycache__/*: bytecode cache files automatically generated by python
./hyperparameter_selection/training/ code to evaluate the trained model
./hyperparameter_selection/training/ code to train the model
./hyperparameter_selection/utils/__pycache__/*: bytecode cache files automatically generated by python
./hyperparameter_selection/utils/ helper functions
./hyperparameter_selection/utils/ code to visualize the learned visual characteristics
./hyperparameter_selection/utils/ helper functions for visualization
./hyperparameter_selection/hyperparam.ini: configuration file for hyperparameters
./hyperparameter_selection/example_commands.txt: file with example commands
./hyperparameter_selection/ main python execution file
./post_model_search/__pycache__/*: bytecode cache files automatically generated by python
./post_model_search/data/watches/christies.npz: Training Data
./post_model_search/data/watches/christies_test1.npz: Test1 Data
./post_model_search/data/watches/christies_test2.npz: Test2 Data
./post_model_search/dataset/__pycache__/*: bytecode cache files automatically generated by python
./post_model_search/dataset/ for processing data
./post_model_search/models/__pycache__/*: bytecode cache files automatically generated by python
./post_model_search/models/ initializing the neural network
./post_model_search/models/ computing the neural network losses
./post_model_search/models/ helper file with useful math functions
./post_model_search/models/ helper file for reading/writing model
./post_model_search/models/ supervised layer
./post_model_search/models/ code for setting up the VAE
./post_model_search/results/<model_name>/*: files generated on executing the model with name <model_name>
./post_model_search/training/__pycache__/*: bytecode cache files automatically generated by python
./post_model_search/training/ code to evaluate the trained model
./post_model_search/training/ code to train the model
./post_model_search/utils/__pycache__/*: bytecode cache files automatically generated by python
./post_model_search/utils/ helper functions
./post_model_search/utils/ code to visualize the learned visual characteristics
./post_model_search/utils/ helper functions for visualization
./post_model_search/hyperparam.ini: configuration file for hyperparameters
./post_model_search/execute_step2.txt: file with example commands
./post_model_search/ main python execution file
./post_model_search/ main python execution file to generate images for conjoint analysis
We used 64G GPU to run each model instance of 100 epoch, 64 batch size, 5e-4 learning rate. Each model run takes 8 minutes. We train 10 random seeds * 32 supervisory signal combinations * 25*15 grid values = 120,000 models. This would mean 16000 hours of model training.
Feel free to use this code for your research. If you find this code useful, please use the following citation information in plaintext or BibTeX format:
Sisodia, A., Burnap, A., & Kumar, V. (2024). Generative Interpretable Visual Design: Using Disentanglement for Visual Conjoint Analysis. Journal of Marketing Research, 0(0).
title= Generative Interpretable Visual Design: Using Disentanglement for Visual Conjoint Analysis},
author={Sisodia, Ankit and Burnap, Alex and Kumar, Vineet},
journal={Journal of Marketing Research},
publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA},
Portions of this codebase were built on elements from the following open source projects, please see their respective licenses and cite accordingly: