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Analytics Engineering dotfiles for an M1 Mac


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Analytics engineering dotfiles for an M1 macbook. This assumes you want to use VSCode for your development environment.

To set up a brand new M1 Macbook

Do the basics then install iTerm2

Open your new mac and go through all the setup screens - this takes a little while. Once complete, you'll need to download and install iTerm2.

I got a popup on install that notified me that the pip3 commmand requires the command line developer tools. I chose install to allow the installation of the developer tools.

Open applications in Finder. Using the options menu in the top right or a right click, open the menu for iTerm and select Duplicate. On the new copy, select Get Info and check the option to Open using Rosetta. You'll be prompted to install Rosetta. I renamed mine so I can tell the difference.

Check the setup script

There are comments in that indicate what everything does. You can remove anything you don't need.

What the script will do

  • Install Homebrew to manage packages and software on your mac
  • Install git using homebrew
  • Install Git Credential Manager Core, which should prompt you to sign in during the setup process. If you're not, it should happen the first time you clone a repository with https in the URI
  • Prompt you to configure git and globally
  • Create a directory called code in the directory your terminal was in when you ran the script
  • Clone the repository where you're reading this README
  • Use the Brewfile from the repository to install things -- check out the brewfile to see what will be installed
  • Install Oh-My-Zsh
  • Install zsh-autosuggestions
  • Copy the .zshrc from this repo to ~/.zshrc
  • Enables the git plugin for Oh-My-Zsh, see the link for the aliases this will install
  • Symlink the .zsh files in oh-my-zsh to the appropriate directory for Oh My Zsh to source them
  • Install VSCode extensions with the command line. You can find the extensions that will be installed in vscode-extensions.txt
  • Create the VSCode settings.json if it does not exist and copy the settings.json from this repo to the appropriate location
  • Clone my local testing jaffle_shop dbt project and append a jaffle_shop profile to your profiles.yml if it already existed. See the repo README for instructions on testing your dbt setup with this project.

Run the setup script

🚧 Danger Zone

Make sure you're good with everything above before you proceed. Since the setup script was intended for new mac setup, it assumes it can overwrite files. Make backups if you are unsure about anything.

I copied the code from from the repo in a browser window and pasted it straight into the iTerm2 Rosetta terminal.

Manual steps

I didn't get docker to install from brew, though some folks say they have I went to the Docker website and installed it manually.

Python dependency management is one of those things everyone does differently. I've included the requirements.txt file I used for my initial setup, but I didn't add it to the updating shell scripts. You can modify this repo to use your preferred dependency management solution. I have my VSCode Settings configured to auto-format with black. If you don't want this, remove the settings related to black from settings.json.

What I can't Get Working on M1


I tried installing pgloader. I was able to get it to install with Homebrew, but I wasn't able to get it to run. There is an open issue for it on the pgloader repo.

Keeping things updated

As you work, you may want to continue to customize these files for your purposes. I've added two scripts that will help keep things up to date so I don't have to remember and run shell commands all the time.

Updating Oh-My-Zsh Aliases and Functions

Oh-My-Zsh looks for aliases in .zshrc and in *.zsh files in ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom. I started out with all my aliases in .zshrc, but finding the right place in the file got annoying.

The alias files are located in dotfiles/oh-my-zsh and are organized by tool. The setup script symlinks them to the ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom directory. Changes made to the files in either directory will update the file in the other directory.

You'll still need to commit changes back to the dotfiles repo. If you change ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/dbt.zsh the file in ../dotfiles/oh-my-zsh/dbt.zsh will reflect those changes and git will notice that it has been modified.

This script copies dotfiles, settings, and your Brewfile from your local machine to the local repository. This won't commit the changes -- that's intentional! This gives you time to check them out and make sure everything looks good.

Use this script if you've made changes while working to make your setup more efficient and effective.

Here's what will do:

  • Set your working directory to ~/code/dotfiles
  • Update your Brewfile
  • Update everything that's installed
  • Copy your local ~/.zshrc to the repo's .zshrc
  • Update the list of installed VSCode extensions
  • Update settings.json with your VSCode settings

The first time you run it, you need to run chmod +x, after that you'll be able to run source ./ to run the script.

🤨 source ./ or ./ ?

To source .zshrc you need to be running the shell script in zsh. Use the source command to be sure the script will run in zsh, not bash.

This script installs the programs specified by your Brewfile and copies the settings from the dotfiles repo to your machine.

Here's what will do:

  • Set your working directory to ~/code/dotfiles
  • Pull from the dotfiles remote
  • Install the dependencies from the Brewfile
  • Overwrite and source ~/.zshrc
  • Install extensions for VSCode
  • Overwrite your local settings.json with settings.json from the repo

What's in this Repository

File Associated With Short Description Requires
.zshrc zsh, Oh-My-Zsh Z-shell resource file, runs every time zsh is started. Contains plugins, aliases, functions Oh-My-Zsh
Brewfile Homebrew File listing packages and programs installed by Homebrew Homebrew
vscode/extensions.txt VS Code File listing extensions to install for VS Code VSCode, code command line tools
vscode/settings.json VS Code Settings file for VSCode VSCode, the extensions listed in vscode-extensions.txt
dbt/profiles.yml dbt Sample profiles.yml file, see dbt docs for more dbt
dbt/packages.yml dbt Sample packages.yml file. This contains the packages I always want when working with dbt dbt
dbt/audit_helper_template.sql dbt-audit-helper A template file that works with a custom shell function to make audit helper ez-peasy dbt, dbt-audit-helper
python/requirements.txt Python Packages to install globally for Python, not required and not installed automatically by the setup script. Included for reference. Python

Design Decisions

Choice Alternatives Rationale
Free over paid e.g. DBeaver over Datagrip Not everyone has the means to pay for software for learning or personal development
Use VSCode Atom, Sublime, vim I do most of my day to day dbt work in VSCode. It makes sense to stick with the editor I'm familiar with. VSCode is fairly popular with dbt users
Use the "standard" git aliases in Oh-My-Zsh Other aliases, make up my own Aligning to a standard that makes a large number of people happy is always a good idea. Looks like these cover a lot of bases.
Subdirectories for organization All files in root Looks like the vast majority of dotfiles introduce organization at some point. I started with all files in root and realized subdirectories help with understanding what each file is doing
Custom shell scripts for updates dotfile utilities For now, I'm choosing to keep things simple. These scripts aren't huge yet so they're still easy to follow. If there were many more tools or if I needed rules for different situations, that might change
Symlink Oh-My-Zsh custom aliases All in .zshrc, update with shell script, dotfile utilities I am honestly not sure this was the right choice yet! At the time, it seemed simpler than the alternatives. There are some potential downsides to symlinking, like broken links and the need to keep links updated.
Include a dbt project Don't include a dbt project I'm using an M1 Mac, and I wanted to know that dbt was doing exactly what it's supposed to do. Not everyone will be setting up a computer in a context where they have a dbt project ready to go for verifying their setup
Include Jekyll Don't include Jekyll Most people working on normal analytics engineering work won't need this. I put the installation in a separate script, but kept it in the same repo.
Install Python with Homebrew Anaconda, virtual environments, others I haven't had issues with this approach, yet. I chose it for simplicity. I want Homebrew to manage as many of the installations and updates as possible
Install dbt with Homebrew Install dbt with pip Homebrew is what dbt recommends and I haven't had issues
Put dotfiles in a directory called code Put dotfiles in home, or wherever user chooses I like to keep all my repos in one directory, ~/code. I find this convenient when I'm navigating around from the command line. This is a habit thing and not a decision based on a best practice.

Future Enhancements

I'd love pull requests! I've added a few issues for things I noticed while putting this together that I haven't had a chance to look at or improve.

Resources I looked at along the way

The resources above shaped my thinking and choices in this repo. As is usual in programming, I also consulted approx 1 million billion stack overflow posts.


Analytics Engineering dotfiles for an M1 Mac







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  • Shell 97.1%
  • Ruby 2.9%