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Adding videos to Neo4j Database (Preparation for Backend)
The following commands let you easily add video-nodes to the Neo4J-Database to get access to the videos in the IPED-Backend. Before you can add videos to a new Location, which you want to create in the IPED-Backend, it is necessary to prepare the videos in the Database. Go to the webconsole of Neo4J (usually http://localhost:7474/
) and insert the 3 parts, one by one without the uncommented lines (e.g. "# city center"). After this step is possible to select the videos in the Backend for a Location.
Please make sure, that you use the right path /media/video/<<FILENAME>>
and without any dataformat (e.g. /media/video/<<FILENAME>>.mp4
=> /media/video/<<FILENAME>>
). If you want to add multiple videos, please make sure, that you use incremental numbers (e.g. CREATE (v1:Video ... ) CREATE (v2:Video ... )
), so that every video-node is unique.
# city center
CREATE (v1:Video {name: "Schlossplatz", url: "/media/video/task01", description: "Schlossplatz bei Tag", date: "", tags:[]})
CREATE (v2:Video {name: "Frauenstraße", url: "/media/video/task02", description: "Frauenstraße bei Tag", date: "", tags:[]})
CREATE (v3:Video {name: "Frauenstraße2", url: "/media/video/task03", description: "Frauenstraße2 bei Tag", date: "", tags:[]})
CREATE (v4:Video {name: "Krummer Timpen", url: "/media/video/task04", description: "Krummer Timpen bei Tag", date: "", tags:[]})
CREATE (v5:Video {name: "Juridicum", url: "/media/video/task05", description: "Juridicum bei Tag", date: "", tags:[]})
CREATE (v6:Video {name: "Jesuitengang", url: "/media/video/task06", description: "Jesuitengang bei Tag", date: "", tags:[]})
CREATE (v7:Video {name: "Pferdegasse", url: "/media/video/task07", description: "Pferdegasse bei Tag", date: "", tags:[]})
CREATE (v8:Video {name: "Fürstenberghaus", url: "/media/video/task08", description: "Fürstenberghaus bei Tag", date: "", tags:[]})
CREATE (v9:Video {name: "Domplatz", url: "/media/video/task09", description: "Domplatz bei Tag", date: "", tags:[]})
# train station
CREATE (v10:Video {name: "Bahnhofsampel Fußgängerzone (alt)", url: "/media/video/Bahnhof_1", description: "Bahnhof Ampel Blick Richtung Fußgängerzone", date: "", tags:[]})
CREATE (v11:Video {name: "Bahnhofsampel Hauptbahnhof (alt)", url: "/media/video/Bahnhof_2", description: "Bahnhof Ampel Blick Richtung Hauptbahnhof", date: "", tags:[]})
CREATE (v12:Video {name: "Bahnhof Innen", url: "/media/video/Bahnhof_Innen", description: "", date: "", tags:[]})
CREATE (v13:Video {name: "Bahnhof Seiteneingang ", url: "/media/video/Bahnhof_Seiteneingang", description: "Hauptstraße Seiteneingang des Bahnhofs", date: "", tags:[]})
CREATE (v14:Video {name: "Bahnhofsampel Fußgängerzone (neu)", url: "/media/video/Bahnhof_Windthorststrasse", description: "Neues Video an der Bahnhofsampel Blickrichtung Windthorststrasse/Fußgängerzone", date: "", tags:[]})
CREATE (v15:Video {name: "Bahnhofsampel Hauptbahnhof (neu)", url: "/media/video/Bahnhof", description: "Neues Video an der Bahnhofsampel Blickrichtung Hauptbahnhof", date: "", tags:[]})
CREATE (v16:Video {name: "Bahnhofsstraße", url: "/media/video/Bahnhofsstraße", description: "Bahnhofsstraße Ampel, links zum Bahnhof", date: "", tags:[]})
CREATE (v17:Video {name: "Berliner Platz", url: "/media/video/Berliner_Platz", description: "Berliner Platz/Bahnhofsvorplatz neben dem Eingang zur Radstation", date: "", tags:[]})
CREATE (v18:Video {name: "Bremer Platz", url: "/media/video/Bremer_Platz", description: "Bremer Platz, Blickrichtung hinterer Haupteingang des Bahnhofs", date: "", tags:[]})
CREATE (v19:Video {name: "Bremer Platz 2", url: "/media/video/Bremer_Platz_2", description: "Bremer Platz, Blickrichtung aus dem hinteren Haupteingang des Bahnhofs", date: "", tags:[]})
CREATE (v20:Video {name: "Hafenstraße", url: "/media/video/Hafenstraße", description: "Hafenstraße, Kreuzung, Blickrichtung Bahnbrücke", date: "", tags:[]})
CREATE (v21:Video {name: "Windthorststraße", url: "/media/video/Windthorststraße", description: "Windthorststraße, in der Fußgängerzone, rechts zum Bahnhof", date: "", tags:[]})
# GEO-1 (Videos of Nicho's Bachelor thesis)
CREATE (v22:Video {name: "GEO1 - Erdgeschoss (Treppenhaus)", url: "/media/video/geo1-erdgeschoss-atrium", description: "", date: "", tags:[]})
CREATE (v23:Video {name: "GEO1 - Erdgeschoss (Aufzug)", url: "/media/video/geo1-erdgeschoss-aufzug", description: "", date: "", tags:[]})
CREATE (v24:Video {name: "GEO1 - Erdgeschoss (Hintere Treppe)", url: "/media/video/geo1-erdgeschoss-hintere-treppe", description: "", date: "", tags:[]})
CREATE (v25:Video {name: "GEO1 - Erdgeschoss (IVVGeo)", url: "/media/video/geo1-erdgeschoss-ivvgeo", description: "", date: "", tags:[]})
CREATE (v26:Video {name: "GEO1 - 1. Stock (Atrium)", url: "/media/video/geo1-erster-stock-atrium", description: "", date: "", tags:[]})
CREATE (v27:Video {name: "GEO1 - 1. Stock (Treppenhau)", url: "/media/video/geo1-erster-stock-treppe", description: "", date: "", tags:[]})
CREATE (v28:Video {name: "GEO1 - Erdgeschoss (Atrium)", url: "/media/video/geo1-erdgeschoss-zweites-atrium", description: "", date: "", tags:[]})
CREATE (v29:Video {name: "GEO1 - Erdgeschoss (Atrium 2)", url: "/media/video/geo1-erdgeschoss-zweites-atrium-2", description: "", date: "", tags:[]})
CREATE (v30:Video {name: "GEO1 - 4. Stock (Treppenhaus)", url: "/media/video/geo1-vierter-stock-treppe", description: "", date: "", tags:[]})
CREATE (v31:Video {name: "GEO1 - Einfahrt", url: "/media/video/geo1-außen-einfahrt", description: "", date: "", tags:[]})
CREATE (v32:Video {name: "GEO1 - Haupteingang", url: "/media/video/geo1-außen-haupteingang", description: "", date: "", tags:[]})
CREATE (v33:Video {name: "GEO1 - Parkplatz", url: "/media/video/geo1-außen-parkplatz", description: "", date: "", tags:[]})
CREATE (v34:Video {name: "GEO1 - 2. Stock (Treppenhaus)", url: "/media/video/geo1-zweiter-stock-treppe", description: "", date: "", tags:[]})
CREATE (v35:Video {name: "GEO1 - Erdgeschoss (Hörsaal)", url: "/media/video/geo1-erdgeschoss-hoersaal", description: "", date: "", tags:[]})
IPED Development 2015 Sitcom Lab, Institute for Geoinformatics, University of Muenster
Contributors Nicholas Schiestel, Morin Ostkamp, Tobias Brüggentisch