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Nicho S. edited this page Aug 5, 2014 · 6 revisions

Table of Contents

  1. Project structure on GitHub
  2. Project structure on server

1. Project structure on GitHub

(GitHub Repository)

- server
------ schemas
---------- locations.js <!-- the putLocation and postLocation Schema -->
---------- videos.js <!-- the putVideo and postVideo Schema -->
---------- overlays.js <!-- the putOverlay and postOverlay Schema -->
------ routes.js <!-- all the routes for our application -->
------------ routes <!-- contains all requests -->
------------------ locations.js <!-- contains all location-requests -->
------------------ videos.js <!-- contains all video-requests -->
------------------ overlays.js <!-- contains all overlay-requests -->
------ server.js <!-- setup the application -->
- config <!-- will contain all settings -->
------ neo4j-db.js <!-- will hold our database connection settings -->
------ server.cert <!-- will hold our security settings -->
------ server.keys <!-- will hold our security settings -->
- Gruntfile.js <!-- for Grunt -->
- src <!-- contains the unbuild Gruntfiles, before public -->
------ frontend <!-- for Grunt -->
------------ models
------ backend <!-- for Grunt -->
------------ models
- package.json <!-- handle the npm packages -->
- apiary.apib <!-- unrendered API-Specification -->
- wiki <!-- for the Github Repository -->
------ frontend <!-- for the Github Repository -->
------ backend <!-- for the Github Repository -->
- <!-- for the Github Repository -->
- <!-- for the Github Repository -->

2. Project structure on server

(after Jenkins, Grunt and Aglio)

- node-modules <!-- all installed global node-packages -->
---------- ... <!-- node-packages -->
- server
------ schemas
---------- locations.js <!-- the putLocation and postLocation Schema -->
---------- videos.js <!-- the putVideo and postVideo Schema -->
---------- overlays.js <!-- the putOverlay and postOverlay Schema -->
------ routes.js <!-- all the routes for our application -->
------------ routes <!-- contains all requests -->
------------------ locations.js <!-- contains all location-requests -->
------------------ videos.js <!-- contains all video-requests -->
------------------ overlays.js <!-- contains all overlay-requests -->
------ server.js <!-- setup the application -->
- config <!-- will contain all settings -->
------ neo4j-db.js <!-- will hold our database connection settings -->
------ server.cert <!-- will hold our security settings -->
------ server.keys <!-- will hold our security settings -->
- public <!-- handle the website -->
------ media <!-- contains media from original path: /home/sitcomlab/media -->
------------ image <!-- contains pictures -->
------------ videos <!-- contains videos -->
------ libs <!-- client-side libraries -->
------ api <!-- API-Specification -->
------------ index.html <!-- rendered API-Specification -->
------ doc <!-- Documentation -->
------------ index.html <!-- rendered Documentation -->
- Gruntfile.js <!-- for Grunt -->
- src <!-- contains the unbuild Gruntfiles, before public -->
------ frontend <!-- for Grunt -->
------------ models
------ backend <!-- for Grunt -->
------------ models
- package.json <!-- handle the npm packages -->
- apiary.apib <!-- unrendered API-Specification -->
- wiki <!-- for the Github Repository -->
------ frontend <!-- for the Github Repository -->
------ backend <!-- for the Github Repository -->
- <!-- for the Github Repository -->
- <!-- for the Github Repository -->