The Keep Network requires a trusted source of randomness for the process of trustless group election. While the network requires that randomness to function correctly, the source of randomness is itself broadly applicable. This trusted source of randomness takes the form of a BLS Threshold Relay. We discuss implementation of this random beacon, including assumptions and mitigations for bad actors and poor network connectivity.
The threshold relay described herein is a way of generating verifiable randomness that is resistant to bad actors both in the relay network and on the anchoring blockchain, assumed here to be Ethereum. The basic functioning of the relay (further details are in the section on System Details) is:
Some number of groups exist in the relay.
An arbitrary seed value vs counts as the first entry in the relay.[1]
A request ri is dispatched to the chain for a new entry.
Information about the request is combined with the previous entry to produce a new relay entry seed value vr.
vr is used to choose a group to produce the response to the request.
vr is signed by at least a subset of the chosen group members, and the resulting signature is the entry generated in response to the request. It is published to the anchoring blockchain as the entry vi.
The new entry vi triggers the formation of a new group from the set of all members in the relay.
A group expires after a certain amount of time.
The following sections will detail how this basic function is implemented in practice, including notes on Prior Work that motivated this design, the [Incentive Structures] used to economically incentivize good behavior by network participants, [Core Technologies] used in the network, and finally the System Details that outline the implementation itself. [Upgrade Management] is also discussed.
Dfinity has described their implementation of a random beacon backed by a threshold relay in their consensus whitepaper [2]. The relay described in this paper is heavily based on the one devised by the Dfinity team, with certain adjustments for implementation on an existing blockchain. The key distinction between the Dfinity implementation and the Keep implementation is that Keep has to contend with blockchains that do not implement the same primitives as the in-house Dfinity chain targeted in their paper. Concerns such as transaction costs and payment for beacon entries are therefore a core part of the incentive system built around the Keep random beacon.
As described in the above paper, at the heart of the relay beacon is the signature scheme described by Dan Boneh, Ben Lynn, and Hovav Shacham in [3], termed BLS. Three properties of the scheme are of particular use in this case: BLS signatures can be used in threshold mode, where k of n participants are sufficient to produce a combined signature; BLS threshold signatures produce the same final signature irrespective of the participants; and BLS signatures are typically shorter than those of many other threshold signature schemes.
Finally, underpinning the process of generating new groups for BLS threshold signatures in the system is a distributed key generation algorithm based on work by Gennaro, Jarecki, Krawczyk, and Rabin [4], as also described in the Dfinity paper above. The Keep Random Beacon publishes group public keys to the anchoring blockchain and does member selection on-chain, but key generation occurs between nodes with only the final result vote occurring on-chain.
The system has two high-level modes of operation, discussed in detail in their individual sections:
Group formation, consisting of group member selection and distributed key generation.
Threshold signing, triggered by a beacon request and producing a new entry in the relay (which in turn also triggers the formation of a new group). signing also involves selecting the appropriate price for a new relay entry.
Additionally, the beacon makes money by charging for beacon requests. An early draft of the pricing mechanism is described in its own section.