This directory contains a yellowpaper/specification for the Keep random beacon, which will initially be built out for Ethereum. The yellowpaper is currently still a work-in-progress, and is being developed alongside the core beacon code.
The core beacon code will be shared at a later time, while the yellowpaper, and its progress, are available now. Note that core yellowpaper progress is still handled in the Keep monorepo; we are syncing the branch history to and from this repository on an ongoing basis.
The yellowpaper is written in AsciiDoc and built using Asciidoctor. It renders directly in GitHub, so please feel free to click through the files in GitHub to see the rendered content, starting with the index document. Notably, GitHub does not process inter-file includes, so includes are rendered as links to the embedded files.
You can also see a fully-built version of the yellowpaper at, or, if you prefer a PDF version, at
To build the yellowpaper yourself, you should
install Asciidoctor. Then you can enter
the root directory of this repository and run asciidoctor index.adoc
produce an index.html
file. Asciidoctor also supports several
output formats.