This package provides a ReactJS based listing tables for SENAITE LIMS.
ReactJS is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces built by Facebook and is licensed under the MIT License
This section shows some screenshots how senaite.core.listing
looks like.
In most cases, adding a subscriber adapter for IListingView
is enough to
extend a given listing with additional columns, status or even behavior. With
the subscriber approach, a given listing can be modified multiple times by same
or different add-ons, without the need of inheritance and dependency bindings
amongst them. More information here:
For instance, imagine you have two independent add-ons (A and B), with the following use-case:
- A adds a column "DateStored" in Samples listing, along with filter "Stored"
- B adds a column "Participant" in Samples listing, along with filter "Ordered"
- Both changes are displayed in the result listing when A and B are installed
Making B dependent on A or the other way round is not a solution. With subscriber adapters, we can address this problem easily as follows:
The skeleton of the subscriber adapter may look like follows:
from bika.lims import api
from senaite.core.listing.interfaces import IListingView
from senaite.core.listing.interfaces import IListingViewAdapter
from zope.component import adapts
from zope.component import implements
class SamplesListingViewAdapter(object):
def __init__(self, listing, context):
self.listing = listing
self.context = context
def before_render(self):
self.listing.columns["MyColumn"] = {
"title": "My new column",
def folder_item(self, obj, item, index):
item["MyColumn"] = api.get_object(obj).getMyColumnValue()
return item
The next thing is to tell the system to use this adapter when the context is an
object and the listing view is AnalysisRequestsView
We assume here you created the subscriber adapter inside a
file and
the configure.zcml is in that same directory:
<!-- Samples view with additional filters and columns -->
Note that AnalysisRequestsView
(from senaite.core
) inherits from
's ListingView
, that in turn implements IListingView
This package uses webpack to bundle all assets for the final JavaScript file.
Used libraries:
- ReactJS
You need node
and npm
» npm --version
» node --version
Use npm
(or yarn
) to install the develoment dependencies:
» yarn install
This creates a local node_modules directory where all the dependencies are stored.
You can now run webpack
» node_modules/.bin/webpack
Print usage (output below is cutted):
» node_modules/.bin/webpack --help
webpack-cli 3.2.1
Usage without config file: webpack <entry> [<entry>] --output [-o] <output>
--init Initializes a new webpack configuration or loads a
addon if specified [boolean]
Basic options:
--watch, -w Watch the filesystem for changes [boolean]
-d shortcut for --debug --devtool eval-cheap-module-source-map
--output-pathinfo [boolean]
-p shortcut for --optimize-minimize --define
The following script commands which can be executed by the npm run
command are
located in package.json
The configuration for the used webpack
command is located in webpack.config.js
Run this command to watch/rebuild the JavaScript for Development:
» npm run watch
Run this command to build the final JavaScript for Production:
» npm run build